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Everything posted by spec2@optonline.net

  1. spec2@optonline.net

    need a partner

    join our mumble server we are always on but at different times.
  2. spec2@optonline.net

    Team Scorpion is Recruiting.

    Team Scorpion is Recruiting US, EU Players. We play to have fun, to fight the zombie hoards and survive the Apocalyps. If interested contact us on mumble: Adress: g8.mumble.com Port: 5830 PW: G8 or Yahoo messenger: Dust 514
  3. spec2@optonline.net

    need a partner

    Hey Friend if u are still interested u are free to contact us on mumble or on yahoo Messenger.
  4. spec2@optonline.net

    need a partner

    Team Scorpion Is recruiting US, EU players. We play to survive and have fun. When the trouble comes nocking we take on the chin and payback twice over. Mumble server. Adress: g8.mumble.com Port: 5830 PW: G8