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Everything posted by UbiquitousBadGuy

  1. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Index of all the helpful threads you need to read.

    Merino's in depth guide on food and water added.
  2. Pinned. Though I might move it later to make it more accessible and visible. Helluva guide, going to watch it in full later today.
  3. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Coming out to my clan

    Posting will continue shortly once we do some further investigation. Thanks for your patience. :)
  4. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Shouldn't headlights by aimed at the center of the screen?

    Flashlights are treated like weapons so there is a holding position and an 'armed' position. Like phl0gist0n said, space bar will alternate between the two.
  5. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Pending Update Rev. 0.29.113822

    It's been a long time since I licked a 9V. I thought...I thought I was done with that addiction... In all seriousness I'm loving the implementation of detecting battery charge but I'm wondering if slotting it into a flashlight isn't already an accurate enough test.
  6. Stickyed for rocket's response alone.
  7. UbiquitousBadGuy

    DayZ Hacks already happening

  8. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Bug Tracker/Reporter

    Linked thread is go-to source for troubleshooting if bug tracker is done. Closed.
  9. UbiquitousBadGuy

    How to use Bipod

    Topics merged.
  10. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Charging people money to help you "make" a game....

    Only hidden posts I see in this thread is a double post and one where the moderator deleted his own post. Negative posts aren't deleted, harassing, nonconstructive, obscene, etc posts are. In fact, says a lot about our collective patience at the moment for this thread still to be open. Now I'm not the only one with jurisdiction in this thread but I'm content to leave it open and allow you guys to vent as long as things are kept a notch below "fucking crazy".
  11. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Charging people money to help you "make" a game....

    I can not rationalize or extrapolate the reasoning behind the marketing of the game which was likely left up to BI and not directly influenced by rocket himself. I can only state what rocket has said directly concerning the pricing.
  12. UbiquitousBadGuy

    I just can't do it.

    This is not a necessarily invalid opinion but it is an uninformed one. What were you expecting in the months leading up to the "release"?
  13. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    On the contrary, we collectively and rocket would prefer if you did talk about the negative things that need to be fixed and changed.
  14. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Charging people money to help you "make" a game....

    Whether you wish to pay $30 is a personal choice most everyone will have to make. (Barring those who got it before hand.) It is perfectly acceptable to post and read these forums without having access to it. We won't begrudge anyone who opts out but wishes to engage in discussion. Rocket himself has warned against all but the hardcore fanatics to reconsider getting the game this early.
  15. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Beginners Guide.

    Use 'space' when equipped with the flashlight to point it directly in front of you. By default, you hold the flashlight as if you were cradling a weapon. If you're flashlight isn't orientated properly, use space. Combine a gas burner and blue fuel tank to create the gas lamp. Warning: extremely bright during night, may provoke a reaction from zeds or other players. Drop the lamp while in your inventory and you can toggle it on and off without holding it. Clothing can be torn into rags and used as bandages. The fire extinguisher is only melee right now. (Needs a spray option rocket!)
  16. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Walked myself to death?

    I went to unconscious and never came out of it. I am officially comatose in DayZ. ha!
  17. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Endgame achieved already on day 2 of testing..

    Moved at the behest of Rocket. :D
  18. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Endgame achieved already on day 2 of testing..

    I want this easter egg to survive into the public release in some fashion.
  19. UbiquitousBadGuy

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Reading these change logs always make me tingly. :)
  20. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Why does crap like this exist?

    Hey, I'm as proudly American as Sam Eagle, I just find poking fun at ourselves when it's warranted is better than being defensive or combative in a public space. But perhaps it's gets overplayed to the point where even a light-hearted jest is seen as malicious and derogatory.
  21. UbiquitousBadGuy

    Why does crap like this exist?

    I have no doubt, my comment was a poorly executed joke about the ignorance of Americans by pretending I hadn't heard of those two facts until you said them. ;)