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Everything posted by xKunaiKnight

  1. xKunaiKnight

    Chernarus Coast Guard (CCG) [Recruting]

    @metapus , I see. Anyways, I'm sure barely anybody knows how to fly since it's entirely too hard in ArmA.
  2. xKunaiKnight

    Chernarus Coast Guard (CCG) [Recruting]

    @Metapus Haha, no idea. My best guess is everyone is too lazy to file a report, but I'm not an awesome pilot, that's why I said worst case scenario. :]
  3. xKunaiKnight

    Chernarus Coast Guard (CCG) [Recruting]

    What is your ArmA profile name? xKunaiKnight - Friendly How old are you? 15. What is your gender? Male. How long have you been playing DayZ? 3 and a half months. Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak) Yes. What position would you like to apply for? Medic, Worst case scenario pilot. Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG? I am extremely anti-bandit. I try my best to not shoot on sight unless fired upon. I can follow commands, and give orders. I am prepared to sacrifice anything I need to. Do you have a microphone? Yes. What is your timezone and gaming schedule? CST, 4:50-11:00 PM What is your country and state/province of residence? (it is not required to give information on your state/province) United States, Minnesota. Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow? I have.
  4. xKunaiKnight

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: xKunaiKnight Player ID (Not SteamID): 64061574 Why do you wish to join the Militia: I don't like the fact that people think there is absolutely no one "Friendly" in the DayZ community. I want to change the way people think when they start the game. What can you offer the Militia: I can carry medical supplies and extra supplies for people if needed. Are you a team player: Definitely Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I don't mind losing my gear at all. Just because I lost a pair of NGV's or a M4 doesn't mean I won't be able to get another one. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Just a misfit group of friends playing around once in a while. Extra Information: I'm 15, my timezone is CST. I can play anywhere from 12 PM CST-4 AM CST
  5. xKunaiKnight

    Found an Easter Egg, of sorts..

    It's a rock?
  6. xKunaiKnight

    When to Trust

  7. xKunaiKnight

    [MI] Mayhem Inc. - Recruiting

    How old are you? 15 -Do you like to follow orders or give them? Yes -Sniper, Recon, Assault, Support, Medic or Other (Please state)? Recon/Medic -Time zone? CST -What are you best at? (Scavenging, Killing, Etc...) Scavenging -Can you record? Yes -Do you have a mic? Yes -Is it a good mic? Yes Great! Final question: -Why do you want to join Mayhem Inc.? I'm looking for an active DayZ clan to become known in, and I would also like to make some youtube videos about it, and possibly livestream it.
  8. xKunaiKnight

    How well geared are you?

    Hmmm.. A Bandage, Flashlight, Patrol Pack. I is so pro :]
  9. xKunaiKnight

    Radio in cars

    Symptom, you sir can take my beans.
  10. Maybe you shouldn't record with a P.O.S computer.
  11. Age-15 Mic- Yes Skype-brady.tabery Time zone- CST
  12. xKunaiKnight

    Teaming up?

    Hey, I'm a mature-ish 15 year old looking for a couple people to team up with. Must have a working mic and Skype/TeamSpeak. If you're interested PM me on here or hit me up on steam. (Steam name in sig)
  13. xKunaiKnight

    What happens if I find a hacked gun, or vehicle?

    Try not to take it. That kind of ruins the game. Hacking doesn't make it better so using a hacked gun doesn't help either.
  14. xKunaiKnight

    Backpack eats primary weapons

    Was there enough space in the backpack for the Enfield?
  15. xKunaiKnight

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    The words "Game" and "Realistic" can never go together. It's impossible for a game to be realistic because its not real.
  16. xKunaiKnight


  17. xKunaiKnight

    Looking for a partner gmt +2

    If you don't mind playing with a mature 15 year old, go ahead and add me on steam. (Steam ID is in Sig)
  18. xKunaiKnight

    Need people to run with.

    Added you. I'm xKunaiKnight on skype. Hit me up if you feel like playing.
  19. If you don't mind a nub I'll play with you sometime. Hit me up on steam. (Steam name is in my sig)
  20. I gave you beans since you really seemed like you needed some :/
  21. I'd love to. I can be on pretty much whenever.