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About zitrone

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zitrone

    Why I kill almost everyone I see

    From watching this video, I have determined that you just fucking awful at this game.
  2. zitrone

    Got ban for no reason :S

    So you did get banned for a reason
  3. zitrone

    Enfields own the Northeast...

    I'm at 22 murders with the Enfield right now. Best gun ever. Enfields own Chenarus.
  5. zitrone

    Can't Join any Server in ARMA II

    Yeah, fuck you fags. http://generatormeme.com/media/created/wl6e4q.jpg http://generatormeme.com/meme/rspxyd
  6. So I can't fucking fuckity join any DayZ server or any server of that matter. Each one is marked by a red X. The "required" patch version is red and says need 1.60, but it says I do, in fact, have 1.60. Decided to go ahead and download the patch anyways, and running the executable, it says that Arma II isn't installed. On a side note, the game is on my drive E, and the dumb fucking patch.exe probably is just looking for the game on my C drive. Where are the patch files for manual updating? The expansions option in main menu shows that Arma II and Dayz and OA as all enabled. Thanks for any help, been at this for fucking 50 hours. Just wanna play and fuck some zombies in the ass.