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Everything posted by RenderedUnsafe

  1. I want to launch it in windowed mode as the actual whole screen way cuts off a quarter of the left side. How can I do it while keeping the DayZ mod in place?
  2. RenderedUnsafe

    DayZ won't work.

    Why won't the game work?
  3. RenderedUnsafe

    DayZ won't work.

    Got it, thanks BL1P.
  4. They expect an alpha to function perfectly and work all the time' date=' it's getting annoying.[/quote'] So what you are saying is because it's only been around for 2ish months that it isn't going to be flawless with no bugs at all??? Lies and deceptions, this better work perfectly dammit or I'm going to quit!!!! QQ QQ QQ QQ You forgot two other Q's. Thought I would let you know. ;)
  5. RenderedUnsafe

    Is DayZ just one server?

    In an argument with someone, they are saying DayZ is one server, and if you find for example an AK47 on one server, you will have it on all the servers you join. I say different as that doesn't happen for me and I always spawn with the spawn items on different servers. Who's right and whos wrong?
  6. RenderedUnsafe

    Is DayZ just one server?

    Epic fail on my behalf.
  7. RenderedUnsafe

    One hell of an assault our group did.

    I decided to join that server, walking through the forest and find this.. I checked out the guy on the right by scrolling to inspect the body. Apparently he died of unknown causes, the server crashed when I tried on the guy on the left.
  8. RenderedUnsafe

    Chaos in Electro tonight.

    Epic story is epic.
  9. Hey anyone out there who wants to play online? I can't kill shit alone, so figured I would get someone to play with. :D
  10. RenderedUnsafe

    After help, really need it.

    Just joined a server, cant figure out how to talk to people. finally figure it out and everyone's like "Cunt" "Stfu" and shit, great thanks for the help fuckwits. Is there anyone who can come on a server with me and give me some help with this?
  11. RenderedUnsafe

    After help, really need it.

    Another question. How do I go about making the mouse movement sensitivity less jerky? Cant aim for shit.
  12. RenderedUnsafe

    After help, really need it.

    Heh, was bleeding out and had 2 bandages, still couldn't use the fucking things.
  13. RenderedUnsafe

    After help, really need it.

    Makes sense, are any of you on to show me the way around? Im finding it hard to aim and shoot a still zombie haha.
  14. RenderedUnsafe

    After help, really need it.

    Orlly? Mmk. Still would like a hand on a server haha.
  15. RenderedUnsafe

    How to launch in windowed mode?

    thanks everyone.
  16. RenderedUnsafe

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    How could I launch it in windowed mode? If its not in a windowed mode the left quarter of the screen is cut off.
  17. I haven't got the game yet still got 50% left on the download. However I am interested to see the most weird things people have seen so far? I am making a guess someone could have seen a bandit backstab his partner and run him over with a jeep or something? Haha.
  18. RenderedUnsafe

    Is everyone ready?

    25% REMAING ON THE DOWNLOAD ON STEAM!! Sorry mods for the non-needed post, im excited.
  19. RenderedUnsafe

    Is everyone ready?

    Found the install guide, the waiting for server response threads not so much.. 11% to go!
  20. RenderedUnsafe

    How do you play?

    Do you use a PS3/Xbox 360 controller or the keyboard and mouse?
  21. RenderedUnsafe

    How do you play?

    Oh I was just wondering what people use.
  22. RenderedUnsafe

    How do you play?

    Im serious. Windows let's you use a controller with a USB end, you just have to set it up, as you could use controls from battlefield 3, cod, etc?