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Everything posted by Kristo112

  1. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi everyone,been a long time since I've posted something here :P Anyways I'm asking for help if there are any medics near NWAF (isn't that the "major" airfield?) What I need is : A blood transfusion and if you can spare any food,that would be appreciated(I've got 1 steak left and need food badly so I can make it back to Cherno or Elektro) I've got a total of 3-4 beverages so don't bother with them.PM me or answer me here IF you can help me! Thanks in advance
  2. Kristo112

    Remove the AS50/M107?

    Errrr...What?There's a good reason why .50cal weapons are "bloody overpowered".Have you ever seen a .50cal round?Now imagine what happens when one of them hits you?There is NO way a human could survive a .50cal round,even if it hit you in the leg,you would bleed out really,really fast.Hell,they practically tear a man up when it hits one. That's real life for you. LOL
  3. Kristo112

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    Hello everyone,I'm back with another story about my(and my friend's) encounter with Mountain Dew! So get this,me and my friend were playing together,and we were in Elektro,right?We went inside the church there and find this bus in front of it(which scared the f*ck out of us(that's another story which I probably will tell at some point if anyone wants to hear it))so we sprinted inside the church and looted it in mere seconds and this guy came in,he looked really confused and we figured he was a newbie. My friend and me started to discuss what to do with him and the guy started to run away and my friend shot him in the back with a M14,and I yelled at him "WHY THE F*CK DID YOU DO THAT?!"and the guy who he killed had a Mountain Dew on him,and my friend picked it up and I again yelled at him "DROP THE CAN NOW,ITS BAD LUCK.THERE'S A WHOLE THREAD ABOUT MOUNTAIN DEW'S EVIL PROPERTIES/CHARASTERISTICS!!" My friend then dropped the can and we started heading towards Cherno in hopes of vehicles and good loot,and while we were heading there along the railroads my friend heard a vehicle approaching us from Elektro and we immediately went prone and again,my friend insisted that we kill the guy and take his tractor(yes we were desperate(were not bandits 24/7)) After we killed the guy I jumped in the tractor in order to check it's condition and found out that it was in perfect condition and I then started to screw around with it and drove it up the mountain and then down hill.Then I let my friend try it out and he did the same,only that he failed and the first time he drove down the hill/mountain he crashed and the tractor ended up on it's side.Well we then started heading towards the lighthouse which is really close to Elektro.When we got there we found to our amazement 2(yes,TWO bicycles) and then decided that we start heading towards the airfield in north. I then started leading us there and found out that you can't brake fast with a bike and ended up in the water,and my friend asked "me where are you driving to" and seconds later he drove to the bottom of the ocean.We laughed a bit about it and decided to head towards Cherno instead of the airfield as its reeeeeeaaally far away from our position then. While we were heading there,my friend stopped for a moment to eat/drink and suddenly out of the blue this guy in a ghillie suit jumped out of the bush(we didnt head any footsteps) and we didnt know what the f*ck had just happened and the ghillie guy then slaughtered my friend with a hatchet.Before he killed my friend,he managed to shoot about 5-10 shots from his m14 to the guy but he didn' die,while he was shooting at him,I shot 2 full AKS kobra clips at the guy,about 30 rounds hit him in the head,yet he didn't die. I then decided to leg it and started running away while the lunatic chased me,only to be shot down by his M9 SD.After he broke my bones,he walked to me and killed me via his hatchet.While we were in the lobby I chatted to my friend via Steam chat and said to him " I told you,Mountain Dew IS bad luck" BTW,we figured the guy was a hacker,but that didn't bother us since we got a "funny death"(instead of the sniper b*lls*it) And before you start the calling us bandits,don't.We're not bandits,we've just got a lot of pent up anger after being killed countless times because of others(=we sometimes kill others in order to relieve the pressure,then go non-bandit) TL;DR = Mountain Dew is,once again,BAD m*thaf*cking luck!!
  4. Kristo112

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    Well that is a fun experience for me,you shouldnt team up with strangers,just steer clear of them :/ If you want to play with someone,why not play with your friends? Also,the "call out friendly" thing just seems like a trap,exactly something that bandits would use to make another players to lower down their guns and then kill em.How about no. Why not just ask around in the forums (like friendly forum posts and such) and ask for company to play with,if the ones you meet there betray you just post in the forum that the player xxx is a fraud and a bandit and then they all know to steer clear of them. A good way (maybe) to tell friend from foe would be that if a player would kill someone and become a bandit a insignia ,like a skull would appear on the player and hover around him WHEN you AIM at him so you see his name,and also then you would see the insignia that he's a bandit. However this whole bandit or not system is a bit deceiving as players who are bandits may suddenly be bandits if they have to kill another player who has attacked him,and when you kill him,BANG! you've got a bandit tag on you. I'd say that just try to not play with strangers,play with friends if you have to and just dont,never ever,say friendly in chat and approach another player,you're most likely to get killed. about 99% of my player encounters are dangerous(one of us dies) Meaning that I just tend to shoot any sorry m**********rs that see me,its like wild west!You suddenly have a mexican standoff between the two of you and the one who fires the first shot usually wins.IF a player doesn't see me,I try to sneak away and just let him pass,if he gets too close,I usually shoot him for my own protection. Make no mistake,I'm no bandit( I really don't want to be one) I just may seem like one. Maybe Rocket should remove this whole bandit thing(all the forums) and just merge em all to one player base:survivors. I dunno... Edit: If you hate being killed/betrayed by fellow survivors,dont play the game!That is one of the aspects in this game that make it so fun and addictive to play,the sense of danger,adventure of going through the dangerous cities,looting through stuff and getting rare loot...And then losing it all due to a camper or bandit.That restarts the whole process of FUN.Imagine if you just would have all the best loot in the game and you would have nothing to do anymore. Then you die and you have a purpose once more:to get all your stuff back! This whole friendly or not stuff really pictures real life quite well IF there was an zombie apocalypse.
  5. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well probably cuz most of the new players are total a**holes.I tried communicating with a group of players once,asked if they need help with the dozens of zombies that were after the,went down to help em,got shot and died. Hence the reason I kill most of the players I see as a threat, or possible threat which makes 99% of my player contacts. Shame though,all I ever wanted to be helpful when possible and trade food or drinks with others,but seems that even that is impossible ;/ Oh well,better steer clear of the newbies. Edit: Oh and btw,that has happened to me many times,this one time when I were in Elektro in the food shop,was checking out this pile of gear on the floor and heard footsteps behind me.Looked behind me with alt+mouse so that he didnt know I looked behind me,and saw him looking at my backpack,later on figured he was stealing stuff from my backpack cuz I was missing some of my clips and food.I then turned around to look at the cocky m*********r and seconds later he opened fire on me (he had revolver) I then in turn opened fire on him with my AKM,and shot 16 rounds to him point blank range,and he died. Another reason why I dont trust other players :P
  6. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks,but no thanks :P Got helped by my friend I'm A ok right now,traveling with him. The reason I didnt PM you earlier: I was already in game with my friend and 'twas too late. But another reason I didnt PM you back was Skype,I really dont bother using Skype as a mean of communications,what's there to talk about? Just get to my character and help me and then disappear,no discussions needed. Besides we COULD use the in game chat system (direct communication) IF we have to :P But anyways,thanks for the offer!
  7. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Err,hello guys?Seems my post was utterly forgotten by the medics of this post,so I must repost my previous question: Hi guys and gals,in need of medical assistance (again),got hit by a zombie and passed out,I'm currently in Elektro in the fire station by the church,but I'm not IN the fire station,but in the "cabin" thats in front of the fire station(did that sound confusing?) I need someone to bandage me up,possibly give me painkillers,use an epi-pen on me and finally,give me a transfusion,I think my blood is currently at 4k-5k so it needs to be quick :P Is that too much to ask for help? If I can I'm willing to give something to the brave soul who tries to save me,If I happen to die,I'm asking for a another favor,if I can,I'll try return to my body and get my items back,so if the medic fails to get there in time,could you protect my corpse(lol)? Again,I'm willing to give something in exchange,if I can. Btw,I think I've got a blood bag in my backpack,but not sure,so bring one just in case :P Thanks in advance! Edit: PM me here,or add me on Steam,Kristo112(profile pic is Dolan ^^) I might not notice your inv on Steam,so I suggest PM me here :P
  8. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Oh btw,if you want to help me,please PM me,and dont reply in this post ^^
  9. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi guys and gals,in need of medical assistance (again),got hit by a zombie and passed out,I'm currently in Elektro in the fire station by the church,but I'm not IN the fire station,but in the "cabin" thats in front of the fire station(did that sound confusing?) I need someone to bandage me up,possibly give me painkillers,use an epi-pen on me and finally,give me a transfusion,I think my blood is currently at 4k-5k so it needs to be quick :P Is that too much to ask for help? If I can I'm willing to give something to the brave soul who tries to save me,If I happen to die,I'm asking for a another favor,if I can,I'll try return to my body and get my items back,so if the medic fails to get there in time,could you protect my corpse(lol)? Again,I'm willing to give something in exchange,if I can. Btw,I think I've got a blood bag in my backpack,but not sure,so bring one just in case :P Thanks in advance!
  10. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Update to my previous post: Ok forget about the morphine,luckily I found some,but I still need that transfusion!
  11. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi everyone need medical assistance AFAP,I'm at the fire station in Elektro which is really close to the factory/on the outskirts of Elektro,I've broken my legs and I'm bleeding fast I need help really fast! Edt: Ok,my blood has dropped to 1.8k so I now need a blood transfusion & morphine fer mi legs :/ If anyone is out there,please PM me and help me!
  12. Kristo112

    Found an M14 AIM, how rare are they?

    If you like playing at night with NVGs you can count that the players that you are playing with have them too :P You can never be too safe :)
  13. I liked the idea better that I read here a while ago. The idea was that when you loot someone,you get blood on your hands and clothes. It would be even better if the blood on your clothes would increase as you loot more and more corpses. Like today,when I logged in to a barn,the barn was full of dead players,I counted a total of 8 corpses there,and it increased to a total of 9 when I got slaughtered there. I looted each one of those corpses,which would make me bloody. Thats my improvement idea. LOL
  14. Kristo112

    Clothing sets as rewards for past feats

    Oh so mean clothing like... Hats? :trollface: Lol,but this idea seems like a good one,maybe more bandit kills before the hero skin is received,or vice versa. But still,looks can be deceiving :P
  15. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Please I need help quick!I got shot in Cherno in the fire station,I need a morphine injector and a blood bag,please someone help me!! Edit: I'm on the server where I got shot,please come there if you can help me!
  16. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Good morning everybody!The help is not needed anymore since I got helped by the soon-to-be medic S_poon Oh so generously 100% trust with this guy if anyone needs medical attention,ask him so he can get to his goal:the white list ;) Dear sir,you have my beans! Edit: Oh god that came out horribly,You have my beans as in the beans in game,not MY beans :S
  17. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello?Anyone help?I need that help :( Edit I dont mean to rush you guys,but Ive been asking for help for 1 1\2 days lol
  18. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is any medics available?I need help at Elektro,Im trapped on the fire station (on top of it) and Ive got broken legs. So I need some morphine to heal mi legs,and Im willing to give something in exchange IF I can.
  19. Kristo112

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    Thats what it wants you to think!Just you wait,sooner or later,we'll see your post here... :)
  20. Kristo112

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    I think that sounds just about right,it's just waiting for a perfect moment to bounce out of the can and take away ALL your hard work. Or maybe,if you rub it 3 times,maybe an genie will come out and give you three wishes?
  21. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry Joevils,but I cant trust a guy who made a account just to reply to my plead of help :/ Besides,looks can be deceiving! So no,I'm sorry I dont trust you,I dont trust anyone who isnt a medic(or hasnt made clear that hes friendly) I've got killed because of not sure if the players I see are friendly or not...
  22. Kristo112

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    My God...This all makes sense,Mountain Dew is made of pure essence of evil! Here's my story. So here I was,on top of the fire station in Elektro,decided to log out for a while to go to the bathroom,logged back in,the game spawned me in one of the houses FAAAAAAAAR away from Elektro (dont know the name)I almost started whimpering because of all the things I lost at that log in(I had NVGs,map,all the good,necessary toolbar tools) and good guns and the best backpack and a G17 with 3 mags(+1) After a while,I managed to warp out of the house I had spawned in,and decided to look around for a bit,a few moments later I found Lee Enfield with a few mags,and a makarov with about 7 mags total,and TA-DAH!Lots of beverages,INCLUDING MOUNTAIN-FRIGGIN-DEW! I decided to drink one Pepsi in order to celebrate finding that rare drink,after that I took the Mt Dew and left,few moments later aggroed some zombies,and few seconds later got shot at,looked behind player with AKM was firing at me,I quickly sprinted to an ditch,and hid there,watched as he was chased by a few zombies,BUUUuuut the zombies must've smelled my piss,and I was on the move. I decided to start running behind the guy who was shooting at me,and noticed that I was bleeding. around 8k blood I decided to get revenge on this guy,and emptied 1 clip on his back,he turned around and shot me. Thats it.While I was respawning I began to think that maybe he was trying to shoot the zombies off of my back,and then I let it go. So thats what picking a can of Mountain Dew did for me.Dont stop reading now,the twist is just ahead! So when I respawned I was amazed the game spawned me on top of the SAME fire station with all the SAME equipments,all the SAME stats I was speechless. Maybe Mountain Dew is an poltergeist? Please reply in this post!I wanna know what people think of my "story" or encounter with Mt Dew!
  23. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi everyone,this must be the,hum,3rd?5th time?That I'm asking for help here :/ I need some help at Elektro,on top of the fire station,got broken legs,need some morphine fer mi legs! Dont reply to me if you cant help me :P
  24. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is *anyone* available to help me?I'm on top of the fire station in Elektro,have broken legs,need help!Dont reply to if you're just going to say something like"Oh sorry man,that's a bit too open area for me,can't help you,crawl to hospital" LOL I'm willing to give something in exchange,like...Something If I can.
  25. Kristo112

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi everyone,still in need of help,still broken legs,I'm on the roof of the fire station in Elektro(on top of the TOWER*ON*the tower,k?) Message me here if you could help me :/ I'm willing to give something in exchange for the help,just make sure that you approach me slowly,if you run towards me and you wont make it clear that you're an friendly(do something like salute,or sit down)I *will* shoot you :S So please,help!