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Everything posted by Frenzilla

  1. Frenzilla

    Most intense firefight of my life

    Yeah dude your mic is ridiculously loud compared to any other sound, ever. My headphones almost exploded. On that note, I was laughing for probably 5 minutes after your video ended because of how stupid it was. I will say... i've been in minor firefights where I see 2 guys running straight at me, my heart freaked out so much that after I killed the two guys I had to abort because I thought I was going to die. I came back 20 minutes later to loot the bodies after I calmed down... If my pulse goes above 120 I start to have PVC's and that freaks me the fuck out haha this game can be fucking intense sometimes, and people won't understand it unless they play it.
  2. Frenzilla

    Seananners Posts Video Playing With A Scripter

    Pretty damn sure this video won't influence anyone to script that doesn't script already. I have played with hackers before, you know what they did? Killed me on sight. I've also had a hacker jump into my 4 man group and run around in circles. Killing hackers and taking their weapons also promotes hacking, how is this any different?
  3. I've had this before too... Must be a glitch.. Was running around Cherno at night and the entire town was lit up orange. Without the flames I wouldn't have been able to see ANYTHING. :)
  4. Frenzilla

    Killing in self defence at Stary Sobor tents

    3rd person is actually not terrible. If you are standing up, the shots are easy to place. If you are laying down and someone is far away, it's actually almost easier to shoot them with 3rd person. Go into the shooting range, Once you figure out where the shots go it's quite nice ;) Try shooting someone from first person when you're laying 20m apart both laying in grass. Now try it in third person, and aim above where they are. Easy peasy
  5. Frenzilla

    Guy spawns in right next to me

    M4A1 HOLO SD doesn't spawn. CCO SD does, but not Holo. Regular Holo does, but not SD.
  6. Frenzilla

    Dropping DayZ like a bad habit.

    Everyone would love a hacked in weapon, Kill Roy... lol
  7. Frenzilla

    Dark Dayz - Bad Decisions and Sniper Hunting

    Lawl.. Guy at the end you killed in a Ghillie had an M4A1 Holo SD. Gun isn't even in the game.. Based on the fact he had everything he was most likely a hacker, or recently killed a hacker. :) Not a bad video though, better than a lot. Cutting videos helps, people always throw down 20 minutes of running with 1 thing happening during it. :P
  8. I just find it funny that everyone's response is "don't get attached to your loot"... But when you seek out rare items and stuff and get them, how are you not going to be bothered when you lose it? I mean... doesn't the fact that you randomly lose your gear to server issues, hackers, and bugs detract from the desire to get said things? Hell, may as well just go murder everyone you see once you get a gun because god knows you're going to lose it to something other than a real firefight! I love being murdered, but I really hate when my character does a running prone dive off a tower... Or magically detaches from a ladder and falls to my death.. And of course, getting killed by a hacker. Not complaining, just saying. I understand it's alpha, and shit happens, but that response is really detrimental to the point of the game. You'll lose your gear, yes, but having no attachment to the stuff you have results in the game being less fun. You have to enjoy what you have, makes you try harder to keep it. In a bug/hacker free game, that's the reason people will continue to play DayZ for the most part. Wonder why people play WoW? DAT GEAR SON
  9. Frenzilla

    Location help?

    Yeah, kind of silly they couldn't just make it appear 5 minutes after spawning.. would have solved the whole
  10. Frenzilla

    Location help?

    Bottom is Kamenka, middle is Bor (Not a town), and top is I have no idea. I would kill myself, because there is no morphine anywhere near there. :P
  11. US 486 Approximately 7:23 PM Central time So I go into devil's castle... a guy runs past me (Armed but with a zombie chasing him)... So I shoot him a few times because if he had noticed me, he would have. He drops to the ground, starts popping shots at me with his pistol and when he realizes he can't hit me and has a zombie beating on him he combat logs. For fear of him ghosting me and coming back, I run out. I look behind me while running and notice a guy at the top of the castle staring my direction. Assuming it's his friend, I scope the place out. I don't feel like running away completely, nor do I feel like dying. I scout the place out below the hill, and before I know it I get shot in the back with an AK. I lay on the ground bleeding for a bit with around 1k blood. I get up, try to patch myself up, and then get shot AGAIN but from the tower this time. After all of this, I die and the combat logger lives. I don't know the person's name, but a server admin could easily check who disconnected at that time. I believe his name started with a W, however i'm not 100% sure. Not expecting a lot to be done, but it's quite annoying to die this way when I had plenty of time to Alt+F4 like a scrub. kthx :)
  12. Frenzilla

    US 486 combat logger

    I think a few of you guys might be overlooking what i'm trying to accomplish. I don't know how to contact the server Admin. The MotD claims "Anyone combat logging will be banned from the server." I was hoping someone that runs 486 would possibly look at this and read their server logs. Combat logging is clearly not appreciated when Rocket is trying to find a way to PREVENT IT. I'm far from "mad" that I died, I was alive for way too long. I'm more annoyed that I died without a murder because some chump disconnects and his buddies kill me :)
  13. Frenzilla

    US 486 combat logger

    I know that's DayZ. Just sucks when it happens, knowing you could be a punk like them and not lose all your shit. They had AKM's and Lee Enfields.. They'll probably be happy with my M4A3 CCO, GPS, etc.. Sucks cause I wasn't going to play before work and I decided to.. It must be that can of Mt. Dew I picked up last night..............