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About jskrill

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    On the Coast
  1. jskrill

    I found a Radio

    People, listen up. This is a wild theory here, but it makes sense to me. For those who have played the ArmA II campaign, they would know that Chernarus was invaded by the US, thus the US weaponry and such lying about. And evidently they also took control of the Green Mountain facility. It would be very possible that the US conducted experiments on Chernarus' citizens involving biochemical warfare agents. Now, what would happen if something went wrong right here? What if the quarantine was broken and the subjects were set free. Some of the initial call-out numbers could be prisoner numbers and the Morse code could be the last piece of transmission from US forces at Green Mountain, set on a loop if any US forces were to come nearby. Now, the US is gone from Chernarus, indicating that their mission was done there, but still, there are US soldiers in the mainland. Thus this brings me to this: The Infection started while the US was still in Chernarus. What if the mission failed due to the infection? Soldiers became infected, warnings were sent out, yet still the camps were raided by the undead. This would cause the carrier battlegroup to evacuate as well as they could. This is where Green Mountain kicks in again. The message was put on a loop and the battlegroup pulled out, leaving people to fend for themselves. And as the message is tied to Green Mountain, this could indicate issues with the antenna, leading to that the message was never broadcasted outside the mountain, this would explain why there still are so many military bodies in Chernarus, they didn't know it was coming. And now if Green Mountain was the facility where the infection started, could it not be possible that the very same biochemical agent came with the carriers back to the US? Then about the grid locations, indeed, there are deerstands there, but what about the hunting towers? People said they had radios and military grade equipment, possibly showcasing that the towers were occupied by military forces and used as transmitting beacons, who knows what other places we might find? /Theoretical stuff over. Either way, that's how I think of it. This kind of stuff really gets me up! Go Day Z and Rocket, I love these eastereggs! Also, I have a request for the community. Would it be possible for someone to head down to some of the islands in the south and try to find a signal there? If so, thank you!
  2. Yep, I died by it. >.> Was wandering around the NE Airfield when my bars became aflashin', and I set out to find water and food. Sadly, I'm not Bear Grylls so I couldn't find nothing. Oh well, happy day for the guy that finds my body with an M16A4 on it. ^.^
  3. This one time I was running on the shoreline, the winds of Siberia blowing through my hair, the Ak-74 heavy on my shoulders and the M9 strapped safely to my holster. And this peculiar looking fellow showed up, he didn't have a gun with him and he asked me for my M9, I gave it to him and at first he was happy but when he realized I had given him no ammunition he was infuriated. I tried to reason with him and say that I simply couldn't trust him with the ammo as he might aswell shoot me and steal my gear. We came to a conclusion and I gave him a water bottle and a can of Baked Beans to shut him up, I remember myself being quite happy, I had helped a new survivor put his foot through the door and I always wonder what became of him. And nowadays when I walk along the same shoreline, meet the same peculiar people, this time with guns, I can't help but feel a sting of worry. Who will raise the gun first? *Conclusion of epic diary style tale* TL;DR - Gave a guy a gun and beans, he was happy, now I'm worried others will kill me.
  4. jskrill

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey, what's up guys! J.Skrill talking, for those who wants to know, J - for Jonathan. Either way, I'm a hardened combat veteran in ArmA II that came to DayZ for the atmosphere and the occasional teamwork, something the latter has 8/10 failed at. Back to the story! DayZ is for me a great mod, and I'm happy that it brought so many players to the ArmA game series! I play on virtually any server I come across in Europe / US. If you want to have a chat or go all the way and game with me, knock me up on Steam! Steam: [GTO]J.Skrill Now don't spam me you lil' pricks! <3
  5. jskrill

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    What people need to understand about night time is this: You're not supposed to run around at night, looking for things. If you do the above, guess what? You're in the dark. The night is supposed to be freaky and atmospheric, but really, not realistic? You got to be kidding me, where I live (Sweden) we have nigh pitchblack autumn evenings, and as Chernarus is according to the ArmAverse in the close proximity to Russia, you can bet that it's going to be dark.
  6. Hey folks! I'm quite interested in this, but be aware that I'm not the best of man to have by your side when shit hits the fan as I'm quite unexperienced with regards to how zombies act, the sound system etcethera works. Nevertheless, I'm a veteran of regular ArmA II and would love to have a few folks to knock about with to avoid those shifty bandits! Steam: [GTO]J.Skrill
  7. jskrill

    Blood trails.

    Oh it's possible alright! There's a gameconversion mod for Arma II known as ACE (Advanced Combat Enviroment) If you're shot in that mod, the bleedout process begins, during this period every three seconds there will spawn a dot of blood behind you, staying there for approximately 15 minutes. :)