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Everything posted by woots

  1. woots

    For all you snipers out their.

    Longest in standalone was about 600m and target was running (was a headshot cuz only thing ruined in his inv was his helmet) Longest in the mod was 1600+ and the target was also running
  2. have found 3 press vests, dozens of LRS but no stab vests or ballistic vests
  3. woots

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    It was a pretty damn good battle rifle. It shot people and helicopters!
  4. woots

    The Battle Rifle Thread!

    Thermal AS-50 was awesome
  5. woots

    South coast spawns?

    What ever happened to south coast spawns? I think that this would get more people inland to meet up with other people. Right now everyone just goes to Berenzino or Electro
  6. Where can you find this info for all gear? I would like to compare other items
  7. woots

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    I been playing hardcore the last 3 days. I dont think I can go back to regular. Just seems like its the way it should be played
  8. I am able to tell which direction shots are coming from, most of the time. That is if I hear them lol
  9. woots

    The Gun of your Choice

    I rock a Mosin/Magnum/.45/Sawed off
  10. woots

    334Mpx map of Chernarus

    thats cool.
  11. woots

    Mosin vs. SKS?

    I carry a mosin with a LRS. I also carry a sawed off shotgun with 4 snap loaders. Comes in handy alot. Also carry a magnum for shooting people in the legs
  12. woots

    Our lucky hostage has a good day

    I do this alot. I will shoot someone in the leg. Handcuff them, Bandage them and give them morphine. Force feed them and let them go. I usually get thanked
  13. woots

    SUGGESTION:Fostech Bumpski.

    I read the title as Foreskin Bumpskis
  14. woots

    spawning facing north?

    Not sure, it has been awhile since I had to respawn
  15. woots

    How Did They Know My Player Name?

    If you force feed something to someone it tells you that "You fed (persons name) an apple) Or if you bandage someone when unconscious the it says "you successfully bandaged (persons name)" I do this all the time. I see someone running away and I shoot their legs. I bandage them up. Handcuff them. Feed them an assortment of random things. Rotton fruit, disinfectant. Stuff like that. Give them morphine and unhandcuff them. Let them go. This is my catch and release program
  16. woots

    Tenement buildings!

    Plus they are poorly optimized Id rather go to a town like Svet or berezino then go to an airfield. I just cant see myself going through every apartment for a hoodie and a can of beans
  17. woots

    Long Range Scope question

    I cant tell you for sure but I have a badly damaged one and it seems pretty accurate. Killed someone last night from at least 600m I think the damaged one is more "dirty"
  18. woots

    Would You Help This Person?

    I would help.
  19. @hicks_206 At 1700 GMT Friday, we will initiate an off-schedule maint period to update DayZ with 0.37. Maintenance for today is complete. This kinda sucks
  20. woots

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    Well it might have fewer GPU cores. Well Im not sure how much better the 760M is over the 750M. I know that the 760M has 2GB dedicated memory. Not sure if the 750M does.
  21. woots

    How well will I run Dayz SA?

    Mine is somewhat similar and I run on normal-high settings Get some framerate drops north of cherno by those poorly optimized apartments.
  22. woots

    DayZ Jesus Cult I ran into

    I would have loved to unload a few clips into them
  23. woots

    Advertising for big money

    I think they got enough money from Arma 2 and DayZ standalone sales. Not to mention the people who played dayz and got Arma 3 as well. They have enough money. Now put some work into the game