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Everything posted by woots

  1. They are going in the same direction as the BF3 developers. Need.. moar...blue!
  2. Might sound noobish but how does one install this. I have used Dayz commander for Namalsk but thats the only custom map I tried so far Does this rar come with a readme?
  3. 7am give or take a few hours
  4. The real problem is cheaters. They are pretty common now. I was just on a server w/ side chat enabled and everyone was comparing clients and cheats and scripts. I called them scrubs and I was knocked unconscious lolol. I guess being unconscious for an hour is worse than just getting killed
  5. Hey fister, long time no see Anyways the duping is still here. I haven't seen a thermal in months. I think they got wiped but dont know for sure. I remember when I got back into dayz a few months back I loaded up and my character (with the as50 thermal) was wiped and I had to start all over. No big deal. Had some fun
  6. woots

    US 3067

    Well this server had side chat going when the discussion of cheats came about. I typed my opinion about how people who use cheats for "good" are scrubs who try to justify using cheats. Admin kills me then kicks me. So I got kicked for voicing an opinion against cheating.... Look what this game has become.
  7. woots

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I really dont think we are going to get a release before summer, which makes me sad
  8. woots

    What is the best map on dayZ?

  9. 99% of the time It makes me feel good
  10. I had a 12 or 13 hour run on the second day I had the game
  11. woots

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    That would be so funny lol
  12. woots

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I will as well lol (offer expires jan 4 2013)
  13. Bought it for DayZ. Willing to try normal Arma 2. Kinda dont wanna mess up the dayz mod tho lol
  14. I was just wondering if Server Hosting would be cheaper for standalone.
  15. woots

    DayZ Best Date For Release

    Yesterday, So I can have it already downloaded and ready to go right now!
  16. This is one of the worst posts I have seen in awhile. Either you are misinformed or just spewing BS VAC only bans you for the game (or game engine) that you used cheats on. VAC is probably one of the easiest anticheats to bypass so it pretty much makes it just as useless as Battleye This game Needs a good anticheat. VAC sucks
  17. woots

    The M24, Gentleman's Rifle

    AS50 For shootin bambi's DMR and M14 are good too
  18. woots

    Will DayZ Stadalone Survive ?

    Since Standalone will be using VAC, the cheating will still be there, which means people wont. It may die
  19. Joined a server and this Hack monitor thing was on my screen where the debug monitor used to be Disconnected. Will try a different server to see if it is still there. Joined a new server and its gone. How bad is the hacking when someone can hack your game....
  20. woots

    Best in-game names when killed?

    A Bus load of babies
  21. woots

    NVG and AWS Weapon(S).

    I think there should be Night Vision Goggles. I dont think there should be thermals.
  22. Now that we know that DayZ will be on steam, is there a set date to start pre-orders.
  23. That is not how it works. If someone gets banned for using hacks in DayZ. That ban is only for DayZ. It does not carry over to other games. Would be nice but it doesn't Example: If someone gets VAC banned from MW2 they can still play on Valve VAC servers. VAC is not a deterrent and will not slow the hacking down
  24. Do they disappear on server restarts?