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Everything posted by Kiramisu

  1. Kiramisu


    Hey everyone :) I think about installing the rmod on my server. My question is now if I install it, will everyone who wants to join the server need the mod too? Because I already played on a few Server where was Loot that isnt in the "normal" dayz mod. Like a g36 on Chernarus..Yes as loot not hacked in I guess. And I dont have the rmod installed. Hope you can help me :) Greetings
  2. Kiramisu


    Okay thanks :)
  3. Kiramisu


    Yeah but what about my Question :P I want to know if the server runs the rmod the players need it too
  4. Hey everyone ! I just found an V3S in one of the weird looking "triangle" Hangar at Calamar Airport..But i cant figure a way out to get the damn thing out :D On another post someone said that i just have to open the backdoor but i cant find the spot where i can open it. I will add a Picture of the Hangar so youll know what i mean. Hangar: http://static.dayzdb..._ibr_hangar.jpg (But in my case the hangar is closed.) Hope you can help me Greetings
  5. Maybe you could adjust the Server difficulty? I can detect vehicles and players with the map because theyre shown there and with the white dots at the edge of the screen. Pretty crappy for building a camp. Except of that, its a great server till now.
  6. Two friends and me are looking for a nice server because the one where we play at the moment is pretty crappy. We are looking for a Server with a good restartsystem, our currently has random restarts and admins who arent such pussys that they kick everyone on the server when they get killed just because they want their loot back. It would be nice if it could be a German, French or Uk Server because we are from Germany and the ping of one of my friends dont allows him to play on much Us servers. It would also be very great if the admin was smart enough to edit the scripts, so nobody get kicked when they change their cloth.
  7. Kiramisu

    Outcast Inc

    Ok, why did we get banned? The reason from you was that we scripted anything but that isnt true..We didnt do anything illegal, the only thing that we did was kicking your ass...I can understand when you guys are pissed..but to ban a group of players because you got killed by them is very low..Otherwise you could send us something that proofs that we scripted.. :) Edit: Ok your just really mad because we punished you of doom...but for good you guys never get a ofiicial dayz server aslong you can not proof the reason of the ban. :) Have a nice day :)
  8. AUf 1713 wird andauernd angezeigt, dass die Spieler ihre Verbindung verlieren würden...Ist aber bei keinem wirklich der Fall. :) Die Meldung kommt dann so alle 15sek. für jeden Spieler
  9. Kiramisu

    US 1937 - The Clubhouse - Open for all!

    Server is currently down..whats going on ? :DD
  10. Kiramisu

    DC while driving what happens?

    In my case i just stand in the bus and nothin really happened except of that i just got back in and went ahead
  11. Kiramisu

    New Server opening tonight

    Info´s please :D Would be glad to join your server with 4 of my friends ;)
  12. In my opinion its quite bad because now citys like Komarovo, Kamenka and Kamyshovo are full of dead fresh spawned people..And i think there is no difference between all the corpses on the beach and the citys...When you spawn at a location where you not want to spawn you die with respawn button or zombies...for me the change was very senseless
  13. Ah ok i thought i readed something about special serversettings that only allow vehicles with a a specific Id or something like that to spawn and only the atv and the bicycle can spawn with these settings. I hope the disappearing will be fixed with 1.7.3... Maybe we will meet ingame :D Btw thank you for the fast answer :)
  14. Are you sure that the serversettings are right? My friends and me searched at nearly every single vehicle spawn but the only thing we found was an Atv...Or could it be that the vehicles spawn after a while because the server is very young?
  15. Kiramisu

    Well, strange kill

    The G36C is a weapon which is in Arma but not in DayZ...so it is hacked :) But you can use it cause the use of hacked weapons is allowed ;)