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  1. Can't see why it's wrong to snipe players there uses hacks at all, if they didn't use godmode would they both have got killed. DayZ with this amount of hackers sucks, I have got killed by hackers 5 times in the last week and I'm almost sure it will happen again very soon. DayZ is meant to be a game where you have to watch out for what you're doing so you wont get killed, but because of the hackers can't even the most careful player survive.
  2. mistermbs@mail.com


    My clan and I have got lots of problems with hackers in the last week, and for the fourth day in a row have I died to a hacker. The most normal way is then the hacker teleports close to one of us in godmode and start shooting at us...and normally kill all of us with a hacked weapon what doesn't exits in the game. I don't even care if the hackers just uses hacks to get better gear, but killing other players just for fun is something I can't understand at all.
  3. I have also made another trade post on this forum, and if you go to my profile and look on the post I have made, would you see that the trade I have made with another guy on the forum went without any problems. I have been killed then I was trading with a guy before, and that is in my eyes the lowest thing someone can do.
  4. I'm mostly just looking for one specific weapon atm, and that is the Mk 48 Mod 0(with mags), but maybe I'll find some other weapons to add later. I can give NVG's, Rangerfinder, GPS, Ghillie suit, Camo Suit, M14AIM(with 6 mags), DMR(6 mags), SVD Camo(6 mags), as50(6 mags), L85A2 AWS(6 mags) and a M9 SD(4 mags)... you can choose more than just one of these things for the Mk 48 Mod 0 if you want. If you want to trade would it be eaiser if you added me on skype so we could talk about the deal and where we should meet. My skype name is MisterMBS25, and I'm a friendly trader that never would raise my gun against a fellow surviver. EDIT: and I'm still using v1.7.2.4, so it would be eaiser if you did the same :)
  5. I'll offer you a SVD CAMO(3 mags), NVG's and a GPS for it. I'm a fair trader, and I would never shoot anyone that wants to trade with me. My ingame name is MisterMBS, and if you wants to add me on skype is my name MisterMBS25 so we can talk more about the trade.
  6. My sister have tried this one time before. But make sure to drop the as50. If I remember right was it an as50 AWS she had and that is a hacked weapon, so I don't think it would be a smart move if you started to use it.
  7. Anyone that want to join us are also going to get all the 11 tools that are possible to find in the game atm. You will get a ghille suit and you can freely choose between these weapons atm, fn fal, m107, as50, SVD camo, L85A2 AWS, M14 AIM and for sidearms we only seems to have the M9 SD.
  8. The next trade was with a guy named HalfMoon. He wanted my As50 for his SVD Camo, and we got traded the weapons without any problems. He is at least a guy you can trust then you're trading :)
  9. I was going to trade with Mr_head_baby in a barn close to novy sobor. But it ended with that then I dropped the items he killed me with his AKM without giving me the weapon. So I'm just saying that you guys that want to trade with him should NOT DO IT!
  10. I'm mainly looking for M9 SD, SVD camo and a L85A2 AWS, and will give you all those items if you just give me one of those. but I'm also looking for more than just those two weapons, but I forgot the weapon names x) If you have a weapon I'm looking for can you add me on skype: MisterMBS25 I hope it will be a fair trade and I'll meet you with just a backpack and no weapons on me.
  11. I'm tired of playing solo, so I would love to be a member of a group. I have end game equipment, all tools expect the radio, and are normally a sniper user in ghillesuit. My ingame name is: MisterMBS and my skype name is: MisterMBS25
  12. I'm looking for, and that is AS50 and a SVD Camo(I want that one much more) I'll give you all of those items for just one of those weapons. If you want to trade just write your skype name here and I'll add you so we can meet on a server. I'm friendly and will come unarmed. I'll tjek back in 10hours if something has happened.