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pingu (DayZ)

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Everything posted by pingu (DayZ)

  1. if i repay for arma 2 can i play again am banned and will i need OA and original or just OA ??
  2. pingu (DayZ)

    BattlEye IP/Hardware Bans

    is global ban also IP ban?
  3. ok last time i made a forum immediately kids who were just plain suicidal starts hurling abuse like theres no tommorow.. anyway i got banned by battleye for "hacking" all i wanted to do was kill my friend by blowing him up not going to be a kid and start flying through servers destroying things left right and center and was wondering because i have another steam profile that has arma 2 and OA bought on it, i was wondering if i changed my login details to that account and launched it through that account would it ban that account or would i already be banned or what please help
  4. pingu (DayZ)

    banned want to restart

    ok this is what happened i admit i got banned for hacks and i did it very miserably as i didnt even know what a bypass was. Now im banned and was wondering if i change my steam account which also has arma 2 and OA on it can i jump on that and carry on playing so want to try it incase i get 2 sets of the game banned. If any one knows if it works or not please help