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About mrsunnybones@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. mrsunnybones@gmail.com

    us186 banned no reason

    You seem to misunderstand. My stream doesnt show How I came into having these items, but rather just the camps location. Why did I have 5-6 MK 48 Mod 0's? and about 10 M107's and 30-40 Stanag SD rounds? I had 5 MK 48 Mod 0's with only a few shots left for each. It is true, I have quite a bit of these. But check and post your logs for your server status. Out of the 5 weekdays of the week, as I am a true nerd, I spend maybe 3-4 of those days in your server ALL NIGHT LONG. Now you may be wondering what I'm doing on that server? Well obviously I'm farming the north trying to find some better weapons. As for my 10 M107's, I am sorry to say that I do not have 10 M107's. If I had a tent full of M107's, that'd make me a fairly happy boy. I'd go anywhere and everywhere with a M107. But sadly, I only had 4 M107's, and probably around 5 mags all 4. I guess finding m107's is a much easier task then finding the ammo, as most helicopter crashes I have looted have had its FN FAL and M107 ammo all looted, with the gun sitting on the ground. Being the excellent think-ahead type of player I am, I would obviously take the gun. Now let us fall down the the last accusation you have made, 30 - 40 Stanag SD rounds. Do you see a M4A1 CCO SD in my tents? Have you ever tried to find ammo for that gun? Its fucken hard to find. Now having 30-40 Stanag SD rounds is a bit high, but A. I do not own that many, maybe 20-30 sounds about right, and B. You clearly have many assumptions about me now that I have argued against your decision when it comes to banning Lithium. I have told you repeatedly that I kill many players, as I am a bandit, and I always strip them dry of what they have. Many of these players carry Stanag SD ammo in case they ever find a M4A1 CCO SD. If you came across a M4A1 CCO SD, would you not pick up the ammo for it? Maybe I am assuming too much and that you would not, but from my lengthy experience from the playing of DAYZ, I've noticed that most players upon coming across M4A1 CCO SD ammo, pick it up. Additionally, if I had a M4A1 CCO SD, I suppose the amount of mags would be significantly less. Sadly I have not found one for over a week. I am happy to see that you also agree that this is an alpha, and things do happen when its an alpha! So I accidentally duped the tents, is that my fault? Is it my fault I lost the only two AS50's I've ever had in my life in those dupes? Or the M16A2 with the grenade launcher when that was in the single tent too? You seem to forget that this is an alpha and blame me for the faults that you would assume I have committed. Had I duped all of those tents, wouldn't it make more sense to fill all the tents up with the most elite gear? Although I maybe making too grande of an assumption here, I thought hackers duped to get good items? If you check my tent, I had a fair amount of items players would consider "shitty" and un-usable. Why don't I just dupe more guns that I could use? From what you're trying to say with that tone, I can only infer that I have committed a horrendous crime in the game of DayZ and should be punished for it. Once again, I commend you for your effort to keep great play! I enjoyed two things from the link you posted. A; You can post logs! After the discussion of this thread, I had begun to think you did not actually have any logs of anything at all, as we have asked for Logs from the first post. Even now on page 3, there are yet to be logs posted. Obviously now, if you had these logs you could've posted them but you didn't. B; You posted those today! Thats terrific that, even though I may be completely wrong about this, after I have accused you of letting your clan members cheat, you posted them! From you posting logs on your clan members that show they have the ability to break (animals?) legs, and create fiery explosions/fire, I can only safely assume that you can post the logs from Lithium and Tank's bans? Although I do not particularly enjoy stopping an argument with you about myself duping tents, as I feel very wronged, I feel it is needed that I say: You have greatly side tracked from the topic at hand. The topic originally has to do with Lithium getting banned and asking for you to post logs about his ban. However in these recent posts, you have made no indication to whether you will post the logs or not. Infact you do not even mention anything that would regard to this topic. Instead, recently, you have been trying to build your credibility as a good admin, which I do not doubt, and have been trying to play off that saying that because you are a good admin, you would not have banned Lithium unjustly. On a side note, I really hope you are reading All of what i'm typing and not selectively looking through it to try and find Faults in my argument. I would really liked it if you also read over the parts where not everyone in the world except you was a hacker or a scripter. Those parts offer some valid insight that you may want to respond on.
  2. mrsunnybones@gmail.com

    us186 banned no reason

    I find it funny how you're trying to avoid the point and come down on me for cheating. So allow me to demonstrate my position, and carry on with the topic. Actually, my friend Nasir, I have 3 tents placed down linked to my char. My friend has 3-4 placed, and then 5 or 6 were placed that are not ours and happened when our tent got raided. This is also on my stream while talking to your members such as kyle and icey. Basically what is said is "oh shit someone took our stuff.. and there are tents everywhere now". This occurrence was after the tent duping, which had occurred the first day of me putting the tent down In the spot where you claim i have 25 tents duped, I actually have 6 tents duped, all of which are out in the open now thanks to the great duping effort I have done apparently. This all occurred One time, during which the server was unstable and I was placing a tent. I placed down one tent, stuck my shit inside, and logged the server. Then the update 1.7.2 something occurred and I was not able to log in for a period of time. When i logged in, I saw multiple tents and actually freaked out cause I thought somebody found my spot. I have mentioned this to you, and your clan members abut this multiple times. The spread out camps in the area are due to me and my friends, as well as a random person who looted our tents Multiple times. You see, me and my friends spend alot of time looting other servers and killing other people. We find alot of shit that way, as I have mentioned multiple times. The tents that you have seen that were actually my camp, was the 6 tents that were duped, and the 1 tent that was my friends. They were the only things containing items simply because Those were our main tents. You say we had around 20+ tents? Well the 12 or 13 other camps you found in that area were not ours as I mentioned. They also dont even have stuff in them, because someone placed them down in my opinion to scare the shit out of us. Our secondary camp is not far from the original location, but its a few hundred meters away well hidden in the brush with other items. You make it seem as if I have the tent city Dev found on his server, holding tens of tents, which is untrue. So while you're allowed to exaggerate the amount of tents I have, this statement you have made can be proven False with the streams I have of myself at camp and such. The camps that we had set up are actually not around 20, but only 6+1 + 2 +1 + 3 in total (with the 6 as the duping of the first accidentally). Having you come up and say I duped the tents is equivalent to me saying that your original tents at the original camp west of myshkino were duped, because you had like 12 tents there or so. So please, keep trying to bullshit your way in this story. You are choosing to leave out information that I have told you about multiple times. Thats great to hear! I do enjoy admins who are banning for things they consider "hacks". But by this, you shoudlve banned half your clan because I have half your clan on teamspeak talking about duping. Its great and I commend you for your efforts to have and keep a clean server. However, rules are meant to be followed, and it is clear that from your posts, you refuse to follow the rules. Also, from your posts you contradict yourself multiple times, therefore, in my opinion, destroy the credibility you may have "built" in your minecraft days. It doesnt take a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist to post logs that he has already said he has. Also So you do agree now that you banned Lithium without actually having any proof that he hacks? If you do then, this statement is completely fine. You paid for the server, we played for the games. You have the responsibility to maintain a server that carries out acts that have reason, we have the responsibility of following your server rules so that we dont get kicked for those reasons. Also, I'm assuming you banned me then also? Allow me to open another forum post asking why you banned me so we may continue Lithiums argument here.
  3. mrsunnybones@gmail.com

    us186 banned no reason

    Hi Icey, thanks for not completely raping my camp, it took me a long ass time to find a lot of those heli crashes. I'm not sure what you're implying, but as a nerd, I've stayed up countless nights on the server looting shit running back and forth from my camp as that is the majority source of my stash. The tents duping into multiple tents, as I have said multiple times, is not my fault and it actually did more harm then good (as my camp is around 4 times as easy to see). I should say again just to be clear that I have nothing wrong with the desolation clan, as I enjoy playing with players who are not 12 years old and constantly screaming in their mics. To be honest, it doesnt bother me much how Lithium is banned on this server, but the way this is being resolved does. From what i'm seeing you're constantly just bashing on him from what you guys heard from another guy. I was actually in teamspeak at the time with my other buddy who's new the game Louie. We were not on your server but attempted to connect after we heard you guys had a Helicopter. In the teamspeak, it can be heard that somebody crashed the helicopter, everybody Died in the helicopter, and then there was a restart of the server. Somebody even said that somehow Cik survived the helicopter crash, and how that was amazing or something. Nobody mentioned that there was a hacker, Did the hacker take your helicopter or attack your camp by teleporting into it? Many of the times I've played with you guys, i've heard people screaming "oh a hacker killed me" when I have had doubts of hackers being on the server. I understand that cik and dev have been killed, but Alz actually and Map has been killed in your camp too. This was during the time of your camp raid a few days after I joined the clan. During this time both Dev and Alz were SHOT at your camp and killed. Dev was script killed at your camp according to him and Map the day when Lithium "hacked" I understand that your posts are coming from people you trust in game, however with that being said you don't actually know what happened. The same is for when lithium and Tank, who's my buddy, was banned for scripting. I was not there so I'm not arguing with any details of what happened that day. I WAS on skype with them (not voice but text) and did see their personal account of what happened. However as stated, since I wasn't actually there, I'm not trying to say what happened. As of now, we're not trying to say that you guys autoban when something bad happens. I do not know how you guys ban, I dont know how bans work in this game (how to issue bans), but I do believe Lithium is unfairly banned. *Edit: Half of what I posted was my imagination? Which parts are my imagination? I have listed my replies in order of A-I in order to best facilitate your response of the topic. Clearly you must care about what I posted as you say you read my entire post, which is long as fuck, and only say half of it is true? Please enlighten me to what is false and just part of my schizophrenic imagination. The most that can be true is the part about crying "hackers" all the time, as that was could have been my own imagination that you guys were dying to hackers frequently. Also what the fuck do you mean "You was passing info?" If you mean by that I was telling Lithium what was going on, that wasn't a fucken secret. I told you guys I played with him on other servers and stuff already, so I don't see why you're trying to make it out that I'm a bad guy by telling him the status of his ban. Actually, You guys are normal in separate channels with one or two players. I follow TeamSpeak Etiquette and join the Correct sub labeled channel of the game I am playing. While 10 of you are in the SMITE channel, I do not join it because, well simply I do not own SMITE. I only move down into the channel when I am invited because somebody pops into the DayZ channel and says "we're actually playing DayZ". I always go straight to the dayz (or in some case league of legends) channels while playing that particular game. I do not know why you perceive this as me "hiding" something ,because normally I'm the one who is not 'in the cut' for information regarding the clan. I'm not sure why you have a personal vendetta against me but thats fine if you don't want me in your clan even as if I have held a very respectful and orderly manner in your clan. I have helped your clan members find weapons. I have helped clear up misunderstandings about the game to your clan members. I have opened my camps to anyone in the clan that needed it. I have followed all the rules detailed in the Desolation clan forums. I have also followed the etiquette on teamspeak previously detailed by not intruding on other channels because I do not know jack squat about those games. The majority of the members have shown the equal respect to me as I have shown them. However you have had a problem with me since you banned my buddies for hacking. You said that "I am buddies with lithium the hacker" and that is a problem? I'm sorry if you forgot this, but I met lithium in your clan. He and alz were the only one who agreed to play with me, who was considered an outsider at the time. The reason we got close is because of that, so dont go spouting bullshit about how I brought hackers to your server as you do in the stream. Actually, this thread is only meaningless at this point because you refuse to post proof of logs. Previously Icey had stated that esp doesnt show up in the logs? I did not know this and I suppose then logs may be hard to post. If logs are hard to post in this case, then you should probably unban Lithium because the proof is gone, Unless you have a screen shot which would've been hard to do in the short moment that you may have seen it. This is my personal opinion on the matter.
  4. mrsunnybones@gmail.com

    us186 banned no reason

    Hi guys, Im MrSnowman/Sunnybones from Game/Teamspeak. Let me clarify somethings that have to do with what both sides are asking for, even if the things I must clarify have no benefit towards anyone. A. Hi Map, I did not Tell you lithium was on the server. Do not lie and twist what fucken actually happened because I have it actually all recorded on my stream. I confirmed that Lithium had logged in recently onto your server when you told me that you had heard he was on your server and asked me what I thought of it. I did not tell you He was here. B. I see you are letting him talk in teamspeak. Thats great, however the forums say that admins have to show proof of ban. We cannot, as acezor said on the First page on this thread, provide proof that one is innocent as we the player do not have "Fraps" (I dont even have fraps because you need to pay for it) on at all times. Admins however DO get logs of players and they Do have the proof, so please by all means provide proof. C. Hi Kyle, We should raid the NW airbase later. Why does Lithium want to play here? Because I'm his buddy and he wants to play with his buddy. Why do I want to play here? my camps here. These things are irrelevant to this thread, so please do not bring them up. D. Hey map again, as you can see in the forums, Lithium is banned from the server. Now, I don't know why you want to "ask him into teamspeak" to resolve the situation when you are clearly the cause of a part of the situation. Sure Lithium may be a hacker, and banned globally, which he is not, however you do not have the proof, or have not shown enough proof, to ban him and keep him banned. Instead of following by the rules that you need proof of someone hacking, you have simply just let him stay banned and say "lets talk it out", therefore proving he's What? Oh yeah still banned. E. I see you want his GUID to check the "ban list"! Well, you told me while i was Streaming that he was on the banlist because you checked and his name, Lithium, was on the list. You then proceeded to say, that he must be globally banned because his character name was on the list. When I asked how that works b/c there could be multiple lithiums, you proceeded to say it was his guid that was banned. When i asked you what it was, you said you Did not know what it was. This is all on my stream, so Check it out sometime, and try not to Lie about the things you say. F. "Besides I found Mr.Snowmans camp and raided it with Blue Blur, Whyte, Icey and a few others. There is nothing left. Having a working heli gives us a huge advantage on spotting camps flying low. Im pretty sure any camp not our own has been pillaged." Cool story bro. Idc because i TOLD YOU WHERE IT WAS. Do you remember when I said "oh its north of stary next to Prud Pond?" Well your entire clan knows where it was. So congrats on finding a hidden camp in which I informed you of. Oh yeah, I didnt know admins were allowed to restart servers in order to acquire vehicles back. I dont have this on my stream, but I do have a bandicam video(?) Of you saying that you guys crashed your helicopter and that you'd restart the server (followed by the ingame restart) to get it back. But this isnt the point and case of this thread, so yeah. G. I see you are saying that you are highly praised as an admin on minecraft. What relevance is that to this game and thread? We are not saying you are a bad admin. We are saying that you misbanned this retard of a player, Lithium. Why are you trying to brifocusinng up things that have no relevance instead of focusing on the point? H. "The reason why you were banned is because we believe you or your friend were ESP hacking. Along with script killing Cik." Sup Icey, how're you. How were they esp hacking? The reason why we have this thread is to prove that either A. they did not esp hack to kill cik, or B. they did not kill cik. The esp hacking can only be shown via logs, which have not been shown. As of late, i've noticed that all of your crying about dying have involved "hackers" killing you. Every single time you guys have died at your camp, which is almost the easiest camp to find in the game, has involved "oh somebody has hacked and killed me". Now the only honorable word that I've seen from is from Cik, as he's the only one I've currently seen "hack killed". Im sorry to say this Icey, but your post is filled with assumptions that are made via your own creation. Assumptions with no basis (how do you know how this certain player plays) have no place in a thread seeking truth. I. At the moment, It is the entire Desolation clan, which by the way is acting under the word of Map, against one player. If you have nothing useful to contribute to the arguement, such as Proof, then you should refraining from posting. I dont understand why you're bashing a player who is trying to appeal a wrongful(to him) ban. In addition to this, you guys are not providing anything solid, but just assumptions based on what you heard. Only Cik, Map, Lithium, and Tank, were on thes erver at the time, so its cik and maps word against Lithium (as tank is completely fine with not playing on the server). So instead of quoting your version of what happened, let it be handled by the parties involved. I had to make a fucken forum account just to clear up these misunderstandings. Through these 3 pages of Desolation members, whom I like by the way so dont get any fucken retarded bias assumptions, bashing Lithium, there has yet to be Any Hard Evidence posted on this thread showing the reason for Lithiums ban. Instead, I have seen Nasir say "Lithium isnt banned", only to say he is in the next post for hacking, Kyle and Icey, who I personally think are cool guys, add in insults and random "facts" about what happen instead of pushing the topic along, and other random players posting their opinions about the subject at matter with Nasir and desolation members insulting them. Instead of all this, why not just post the fucken logs so we can get on with our lives? As of now, I dont give a fuck what happens to Lithium because he has caused enough troubles. However it is the responsibility of the Admin to provide some sort of evidence may it be logs or video that Lithium was cheating to end this. Otherwise at this point in time, Lithium is innocent. Map, Post the logs. Showing your praise on other servers doesnt mean shit when you're not following the rules.