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Everything posted by Hellacious

  1. US 1846 This clan has been reported in the past, and everything that was said about it regardless of flamers is absolutely true. The clan continues to dupe and use every exploit to their advantage. They'll ban u if u kill them and they restart a minimum of 10 times a day ( being generous ) to recover vehicles that are blown up/stolen or cause the server is lagging from all thier dupes. The server goes down almost every night when one of the clan leaders goes to bed. Cause if he cant play and have fun then why should you? Anyways, locations below.. Oldest Camp Coords = 119 , 039 Along western tree line. ^^^ This camp is filled with tons of guns of all kinds. Clan uses the tent dupe trick and everything is double upon every restart, which is literally a minimum of 10 times a day. 2nd Camp Coords : 054 , 020 ^^^ This camp was compromised multiple times, and thats when all the bans started. ( Note: theres no logs or proof that the players who invaded were hackers ). But they were banned upon killing a few of the [11th] members. 3rd Camp - Newest Camp : ^^^ Didnt bother to look up the coords, easy enough. This base is on SKYRIM MOUTAIN ( slang. not the actual name) between cherno and elektro on the giant hill covered with rocks. On the Very top facing the ocean, u can literally see the water from it. DERP I would also like to note that there are about 10 other camps on the map with 1-4 tents, because no member of this clan can trust eachother. BE WARNED --- IF U ARE THE ONLY PERSON ON BESIDES THIER MEMBERS AND ONE OF THEM DIES THERES A VERY LIKELY CHANCE U WILL BE BANNED WHETHER U DID IT OR NOT --- Will continue to post coords as bases are established. Side Note - They have at least 1 person who spawns vehicles and newest likely place is on skalisky island. HAPPY HUNTING BANDITS!!! Sincerely, Your Pal Hellacious!
  2. Server generally comes up around 9-10am PST... ill be there satchel charging, see u there.
  3. Hellacious

    11th Intelligence clan recruiting1

    Great group of guys. Extremely friendly. Very experienced. Bumpity
  4. Hellacious

    I need an experienced player

    Age: 25 Experience: 2 Months Location: PST: pacific Standard Time (USA) - California Also looking for people to play with. Skype: Sporkis1987
  5. Name: Sporkis Age: 25 Zone:PST: Pacific Standard Time (USA) Experience: Roughly 2 Months Skype: Sporkis1987