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Everything posted by Lol3rrr

  1. I was at nwaf just now looting the nothern barracks and after an unsuccessful run decided to run to the treeline to log off and come back for another session later. sure enough, i logged on, hoping to get a shot at the SVD Camo that ive been so looking forward to obtaining. However, as soon as i spawned in, i got shot at by some douchebag with an m16a2 waiting for me at the exact position where i had spawned. dont know how the hell he knew where i was going to spawn, or if he just got lucky. when i spawned i died in no less than 2 seconds. rocket really needs to fix these spawn systems. my gear: bizon pp-19 sd with 5 mags, m9 sd 4 mags m14 aim 9 mags coyote backpack camo clothing fuck this game for awhile
  2. Lol3rrr

    Why dont we just take a city?

    Yea this is a good idea, a small town or military base would be a good idea, though you might need to deal with the traitorous untrustable bandits trolling the forums for vulnerable communities. Im in, Lol3rrr for steam name