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About GeneralTao

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  • Interests
    DayZ, Rollerblades, Breakdance, party and gym
  1. Wow just wow i must say so, you two fags who killed me by spawning in the tower of the NE airfield are just some of the scum that we can find while playing a game ruined by you. At least my friend killed one of you guys since he was already in the tower and i was just supposed to pick him up and go back to base with my uaz. Since the ghillied guy fucking spawned behind my friend they didnt see each other i think but when he came running down i thought it was my friend but he killed me with some fucking weapon that i didn't have a chance to recognize. Anyways I lost my goddam nvg, ghillie suit, svd camo, and probably my uaz since my friend dc'ed -_- what a faggot...strange thing is my friend and i got disconnected from steam when the ghillie server hopper spawned.(server us 2584) good thing we've still got a shitload of guns back at base except for the lack of camos or nvgs
  2. Congratulations, you have killed me after us both agreeing on being friendly and alt+f4'ed right after looting me so i couldnt come looking for you motherfucker, wow i swear, i hope that you'll see this so you can post your in-game name so i can hunt you down bitch-boy
  3. GeneralTao

    Looking to trade: GPS for NVGs

    sure youd need to trade a couple gps's to have nvgs good try though
  4. ok i didnt launch through CO will that fix the problem where the server version doesnt update accordingly?
  5. also when i launch dayz it says i have the version 95417 even though in the mian directory i have a file named ARMA2oaserver.exe or something and in the description it says which is exaclty the version of the server i want to enter but when i try it tells me i am running an incorrect version help would be appreciated
  6. though how do you delete beta patches lets say i have just downloaded the 95248 and i want the 95417 back are there specific steps to it or do i just run the new exe.?
  7. what if i'm trying to update the beta patch to a build that doesnt exist on the list, as I am unable to join a server that uses the build 95251,specifically server US 831
  8. you guessed right, the person who would have found the truck would have been just another threat, now i hope some noob will find it and have some fun with itsince vehicles are horded by ppl with basically all the loot in the game
  9. meh? its a 1-hit kill and has nv scope, very useful to me who has not ever found any nvg's, anyways i consider myself a lucky man, better than my old akm
  10. GeneralTao

    Looking to trade

    i could offer an fn fal for now since i have 4 from a now destroyed pickup truck, also possess a few vehicle parts if you do own a vehicle, though the only interseting thing you have would be the m14 aim steam: generaltao0001
  11. meh i was just on a random dayz stroll but hey who could resist? anyways i cant believe the guy didnt have anything else if he could just leave the damn thing in the open like that, he must be full of duped items and such
  12. To you sir, you have bad luck as I was passing through Prigorodky I saw this beautiful white thing, of course i thought this was a trap in a 10 player server but... guess what as I managed to make my way to the beautiful beast i noticed the fuel tank was empty(oops!), possessing myself an atv i decided to loot it even though this truck is better in every way than my atv, i decided to frag it so goddam thanks for the 4 fn fal and the extremely rare fn fal AN/PVS-4!!! bitch next time learn to have some jerry cans with you and not leave that kind of loot there oh also thanks for the camo clothing!! XD
  13. I am currently in the north, my coordinates are 138x and 31y if i am not mistaken and i only need morphine, this broken bone occured exactly a minute after I started driving an ATV I had just found and at some point, the ATV bounced went on it's side caught fire and exploded, unfortunately I didnt take any stuff out of the atv and when it exploded like an idiot I was standing right next to the atv so if possible pm me if you are interested in helping, don't know if I can provide any reward ATM but if my back is scratched, i can scratch yours thx in advance