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Everything posted by Viesis

  1. Viesis

    Please fix Mike Tyson Zombies

    It's not really a bug, you just have to be wary of your blood level.
  2. This is happening to me and a friend of mine as well, for #87. :/
  3. This happened to me and my friend, except we were in the room of a building, with no one inside the room. We logged out in two seperate rooms and right after my friend died, I got shot by a M4A1 CCO SD and I coudln't see anyone. I've looked into it, and invisibility hacks do exist, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
  4. Viesis

    Tents Full Of Guns What To Take ?

    This should help you: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapon_Comparison_Table
  5. Viesis

    DayZ blood packs in the north?

    There is a hospital right southwest of Berezino, but I'm guessing you're further north/northwest. In that case, your only options of finding a bloodbag is killing a player with one or finding a crashed helicopter which often spawns medical supplies. A more viable option is to kill wildlife or other farm animals for meat and cook it over a fire. They heal 800 blood points each and you'll find that they can be a life saver if you're low on blood in the north.
  6. I've experienced longer server load times after the patch, so you're not alone. As for spawning on the coast, it is a penalty if you hop servers too frequently (happened to me today, was server hopping for loot in the Northwest airfield barracks and spawned at the coast after I killed a bandit and hopped shortly after).
  7. Viesis

    Can I die from not eating

    Yes. More specifically, if your hunger or thirst meter starts flashing red, it means you are dying of hunger/thirst and your blood will begin to drain at a rate of 20 units per second.
  8. Intense just watching it, nicely done.
  9. Viesis

    [VIDEO] Grand Theft Chopper

    Well done, enjoyed it! :P
  10. Viesis

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    It's definitely an annoying bug, and until it is fixed there is really no guarantee of keeping your items on logout. However, there are a few steps that can help you keep your items: (Paraphrased, source: A comment on YouTube from one of Sacriel's videos, I apologize as I don't remember the name of the user to give credit to) The reason you lose your items is because the hive never got to save it to your character. An easy way to ensure your gear saves to your character is to do something to change your debug monitor- this includes (is not limited to): Killing a couple zombies Eating food if your blood is low Basically anything to change the debug monitor. It's also a good idea to pick up another item should the game decide to delete the most recent item you picked up after you log out.