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Everything posted by consti2tion

  1. consti2tion

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    And you've developed How many games? If you bothered to read the Summary for the week of August 25th they said ' The update is going to be pushed back a week for Further QA testing however it will still be released on experimental with place holders for some things.' Clearly they KNOW there are issues. The whole point of the EXPERIMENTAL Servers is to EXPERIMENT and TEST the new builds before they get pushed to the Public servers. You obviously don't know how this whole ALPHA TESTING thing goes. It goes like this QA Team to Experimental Alpha To Public Alpha. If shit is broken in Experimental Alpha it goes back to the QA team for further analysis, then a patch for experimental and then Rinse and repeat until a STABLE Version is ready to push to the Public Servers. Pretty standard practice.
  2. consti2tion

    Xbox 360 controller compatible?

    The Xbox Controller IS compatible with Arma2, However it's just not feasible to actually use it. Not enough buttons.
  3. consti2tion

    Skalisty Island Hermits

    ..I think im about to become a hermit there my self.
  4. consti2tion

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    ...... ........... ............ Oh noe guys. Someone is badmouthing the game on 4chan so it MUST have a bad reputation. ...what a joke.
  5. consti2tion

    Classic Zombie Death :D

    steam ingame works with arma2 if you add-non steam game, or if you have it through steam. you can take a screen shot via steam with F12 default
  6. consti2tion

    Adrenaline Gaming Server

    hmm.... the bandits there...do they KoS or will they give you a warning and maybe an ultimatum like dropping your bag and letting you keep whats in your pockets.
  7. consti2tion

    The Quest of the Holy Mountain Dew

    ...i've had the legendary dew...but was unaware of this thread untill now.. my next dew...I shall fufill this quest... maybe even alone!
  8. All the wood i've found has been Inside of barns on the second floor. In fact i've found about 1-2 wood piles in each barn i looted. they are small little piles.
  9. consti2tion

    What happens when you die ingame?

    Permadeth makes it so much more rewarding to loot good stuff. You don't take it for granted. It sucks when you die but...you'll get over it after the first 10 times or so. Eventually you'll learn where things are and when the best time is to scavenge on your Preferred server, and you'll be able to survive longer. You'll also know where to go and where not to go if you want to survive.
  10. consti2tion

    We just beat!

    TO Be fair... RE:ORC kinda sux
  11. consti2tion

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    i would assume they would have one of the Default survivor skins that we have now.
  12. consti2tion

    Creating a new character?

    you would be more of an asset to your friends who are just joining, if you keep your current gear and not start fresh anyway.
  13. consti2tion

    Lost several hours of gameplay?

    I understand its in alpha, which is why i'm not overly pissed about losing my items nor am i asking for them to give me a roll back. I think there is currently a database issue as it seems things just aren't saving.
  14. consti2tion

    Lost several hours of gameplay?

    I've lost hours of gameplay as well. I logged off with an Alice/Alis (however its spelt) pack a Hunting knife some food and glow sticks, and now i'm back to hours before i went out to get that gear. In fact last night every time i got killed by a bandit...i re-spawned at my last saved location instead of starting out fresh. the only thing im majorly upset about losing is the Hunting knife... i risked my life in Electro to find it and the new back pack.
  15. sounds interesting...
  16. ...This is starting to make me think of the NCR from Fallout NV vs the Legionaries.