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Dhal (DayZ)

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About Dhal (DayZ)

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  1. YES This has made the xbow actually viable early on. Bolts being unretrievable sometimes is the only kicker. More bolts plz.
  2. this isn't true' date=' I had this happen to me on my last life and it seems to be infection from being attacked by zombies, it is a super low chance but I believe that is the cause.. There was no coughing or anything but I'm almost certain thats what it was. i tried a heatpack even though I was at 42c and no dice.. Couldn't get antibiotics. This life I have them though so if it happens again I can see. [/quote'] Weird, this has happened between our group and I about a half dozen times and heat packs fixed it every time. Antibiotics also fix it because those are a steroided up version of heat packs for when you start coughing etc, so that you don't infect your friends. I've never heard of, or read any notes stating zombies could infect you. I've been hit countless times by zombies since the times I've explained above and that has never happened. Very strange, almost sounds made up.
  3. Heat packs fix this
  4. NO I really like the idea. Seems very cumbersome for those traveling in groups. Mousewheel to 'friend' a bandit = YES.
  5. Dhal (DayZ)

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Lol so much trolling in this thread. You entitled bitches act like this is release. It's an open alpha. This is probably the first time that's even ever happened. Even counterstrike was years long beta. You're not playing with the final product. Things change in alpha. It's best not to get too deeply attached to the role-play aspect of the game and focus on broken mechanics, and report them so there's a working product to critique.
  6. Dhal (DayZ)

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Any chances there will be a "zombie apocalypse urban ghillie suit"? Instead of twigs etc tied to it, tin cans and washing machines?
  7. Dhal (DayZ)

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Are skins only available from shops and other players? Are any zombie outfits lootable? Is there more foreseeable issues with females wearing outfits than males at this stage?
  8. Dhal (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    WTB some variation of a BEANZ shirt, maybe with the logo scene across the bottom. I like subtle approach as an adult, not so much of a closet gamer but I avoid any conversations that may branch off into WoW etc. "Oh someone I play WoW with plays DayZ, sounds cool, do you play WoW?" is a much shittier conversation than someone recognizing Beanz + logo. "Dude, the other night we were rollin 6 deep and my buddy limp wrists an in-door nade and blows up 3 of us, had to push 1 out the door in a shopping cart w/ his legs blown off" is a bit more social than listening to someone rant about deeps meters.
  9. Dhal (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    In a way, they almost couldn't. That 'bandit' would look just like them. They'd have to check in before firing, while the bandit is free to kill/steal everything without worry. It's not realistic because you can't find any distinguishing feature about the person. If everyone in the united states looked the same with 3 or 4 different color variations of the same outfit, billy the kid wouldn't have had any issues. Everyone else would have because they'd be trying to figure out which one actually was billy the kid. And to that you could say if he had a beacon over his head with flashing arrows saying "I've robbed a bank", immediately after robbing a bank and went to the next town; and the sheriff could know without a doubt those arrows were true, bank robberies wouldn't happen. So far I like the blood idea. If we end up being able to just use the outfits the zombies are wearing, I'd love to dawn a nun garb covered in surgical blood, or blood of felled survivors whether I killed them or zombos did. It still is a toss up of where the blood came from, and using canteen/pond water (and possibly soap) to clean it is good. Freedom of style or benefits of certain uniforms are important for reasons already stated. I don't think many bandits would be eager to cleanse the blood of their victims. Especially if you were a bloody mess the more people you looted/gave transfusions without washing. To those suggesting some kind of hud indicator, and that they should 'fix' veteran servers from not displaying names; I think they did fix it by disabling it. Floating names pop up long before you actually get a visual in a lot of cases as far as 200+m regardless of how much foliage cover you have. THAT is a huge problem in terms of the vision of design.
  10. Dhal (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    But that's not really a valid argument for this specific game, at all in just about every point you try to make. Yes, Arma 2 is aiming at "realistic", they call it a "war simulator". That's something that wouldn't attract me to a generic FPS for the last 10 years. I don't care about realistic when I'm playing a video game, it's either fun or it's not fun. I agree with you there. The lag is always a factor in an FPS and a huge hurdle. Maybe it's just the Arma 2 engine; but Arma 3 is coming soon advertising all mods will be able to be crossed over without issue. Lag is something that in alpha's isn't much of the priority. Priority is as you play the game, does the game have potential to be great? Are you reporting more mechanical bugs, than posting gripes you have with the way people within the game conduct their business and politics? Is there something that can be added to enhance the "fun" of the game? The dev decided he wanted a world overrun with zombies to be as harsh as it possibly could, adding human elements to the game of co-op vs. co-op; or being the solo exceptional. This game is what it is. There is no contested areas, there are no safe zones. It is always you vs. someone. You don't have a choice and there is no mechanical protection. The only option is for players to police other players - it just adds another dimension to the game to embrace. This I believe is why he chose such a brutal engine to host the mod. One shot to the dome from any gun is game over, with the exception of allowing players to wear what they choose. Does this mean killing ex-military nerds, now zombies wearing kevlar/helmets gives you another shot to the head before you're done? Maybe. Some of you guys are acting like taking away the bandit skin is going to make the game more linear. All it does is add more variables to the equation. As many variables and things to do in a game as possible should be every players motivation to continue playing, especially when the game you're playing is persistent. Otherwise, what's the end game, how viable is it that it has any longevity? It seems to be really common (especially for ex-military nerds) to throw around the "CoD-bomb" like it's some genius troll. All it does is make you look silly and rules out your opinion immediately, when making such gross generalizations. This game has full loot and is persistent with real estate. This will attract a totally different niche of gamers that you may have never encountered before. Guys who have been playing these sort of games for over a decade, some a decade and a half. Whether they're outstanding at FPS or not, these are guys who cohesive to the core. Knowing how to communicate, and knowing tricks of the trade to accomplish a goal they've created and execute it with complete predictability. The complaint seems to be that bandits are taking the easy street by killing other players who have worked hard to get what they have. The devils advocate to that is, it's hard work to live in between survivors and continue acquiring beans without attracting the attention of the entire server (which I can assure you is a much more difficult task than killing buggy zombies). A few dimensions freedom of clothing can introduce; Clans being able to identify each other by having a 'uniform' Clans being able to be infiltrated in the fray by someone wearing their 'uniform' Just like discovering new and better guns than you had, more protection via kevlar/helmets etc. Having to be wary of people you don't know fighting close and jacking the contents of your Alice Pack unawares Mercenary (NPK) clans offering protection which gives them intel vs. 'bandits' Fake NPKs collecting intel of surrounding hidden survivor locations Less inventory space if you want to carry a couple different types of camo, or have civilian and clan duds you can toggle between for different situations Wedding dresses so we can get in-game married Possibility of capes That's just to name a few I can think of off the top of my head. None of which are any more unfair in a simulator. It doesn't even take into account that on a realism aspect, there are certain mechanics that cannot be implemented into the game that a RL situation may present. Like killing ex-military nerds and taking their clothes, and posing as a surviving branch of government who will be offering assistance and bringing in troops to your groups location, finding out where you're getting your supplies before ending all of your lives; in a post apocalyptic environment. Everyone knows government isn't a mechanic in the game, there is no way to pull something like that off. There's no real stress about that. It seems everyone complaining about not being able to visually distinguish a bandit from a survivor is much more lazy than the "CoD kids" they seem to lump bandits in with. You just don't want to have to deal with more variables. You only see this as a straight forward "video game" than a match of chess, trying to outwit your opponent to overcome them. Your gun is just a tool, it doesn't give you the right to live. You don't seem to understand much about the psychology of what attracts people to games that require team work, much less the intent behind what makes a bandit, a bandit. A well equipped bandit who enjoys his reputation doesn't look at it as "limitless lives". If he's anything to worry about, it will take infinite patience and planning, to re-acquire those items and position. To do that and still maintain his reputation for living long periods of time, executing targets consistently, making life worrisome for those around him is an entirely different world than "Are you friendly?" "Yes, I'm friendly". If your assessment is those who kill other players with starter items, to graduate to better items through killing other players; I ask you what really is the difference between that and the "friendly" who joins you in a spot you've been holding trying to get to the FEMA tents and fires off an enfield at a zombie that wasn't even aggro? Or goes full sprint through a large city? Or bumps you off a roof? Or any of the other countless endeavors a 'survivor' can grief you with? Maybe you killing that guy is doing all of the survivors in the area a favor, but maybe they wouldn't ask the background story before seeing bandit garb and blasting you in the face from a treeline.