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Everything posted by Dimmizer

  1. Dimmizer

    No message received

    yep same problem with my father and I
  2. Hello DayZ Community... I'm here to see if anyone else is having issues with being able to play DayZ Standalone when having 2 people connect to the same server that are on the same network/router/modem. I've been playing the Standalone for months without any problems. My father just purchased the game a few nights ago and tonight (Feb 17) we both tried to play together and anytime he tried to join me in a server I was given the "No Message Received in 10 seconds" and he eventually got "Could not connect to host" Anyone got ideas?
  3. I was thinking maybe adding something like this into the current DayZ Mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5791 I've shown this to alot of people and so far have good reviews so thought I should post it here. It only makes sense right?. This would/might cause more bugs is the only problem if implemented into DayZ right now so not sure how that'll work but if it could be done right then it'd be cool :D Give feedback and lemme know what everyone thinks ^^
  4. Dimmizer

    I get global ban for nothing

  5. The scripts that the hackers are using have to be in your remoteexec.txt & scripts.txt filters in order for them to be caught. How can a server log/catch hackers if it doesnt know what it's looking for? hmmmm? They haven't found a way to screw it up, you just havent added more shit for your server to look for. Goto hacking sites and register. Look around or hell even ask for scripts on how to spawn specific vehicles and ammo boxes n stuff. Add those to your filters so if someone comes in and uses them they will be caught :) There are probly 100+ different ways to write a script to spawn an ammobox just need to figure them out. You wont be able to block them all but the key is to block the ones that most people will use :D. Same goes for other items/vehicles etc.. just gotta block them. EDIT: Oh yeah! when you are adding scripts to your filters remoteexec.txt createvehicles.txt scripts.txt Be careful on how you write it or you could end up blocking something thats needed espeically vehicles. If not done correctly you could stop your server from spawning your Chopper or a Truck or something and you can also have something written wrong which could cause people to be kicked for Script Restriction.
  6. AGAIN, Check your PM's...
  7. I'm horribly wrong huh? I'm gonna guess you didn't test this yourself did you. Because I just did this again except I had my guy go east and when it looged it shows "ParachuteEast" now instead of West Guy of mine crashed my chopper today, I'm still wrong huh? this was RIGHT after he crashed our chopper by base. I'm still horribly wrong huh? also as far as the bypasser goes if you check hacking/cheating websites you'll see alot of the bypassers they are making dont block serverside logs because the actions they are doing are still being done. The ByPasser only blocks Battleye not Serverlog bypasser. The BattlEye system consists of the BE Client and the BE Server that communicate with each other through the game's netcode. In addition, there is the BE Master which is queried for new core software and cheat detection updates. The BE Client (as well as the BE Server) runs within the game, allowing best possible detection of cheats. BattlEye scans the game and the system in RAM and on HDD, mainly using generic methods that globally catch all cheats/hacks of one type (including private ones as far as possible). In order to work, BattlEye requires absolutely no user input or server-side administration - it comes as is and does its job independently. This also applies on the effective auto-update system which works reliably flawlessly and thus ensures that each player is always up-to-date. Furthermore BattlEye has no special system requirements: Being very user-friendly, BE needs only little resources regarding CPU, RAM and network bandwidth. The player simply will not notice that BattlEye is running in the background. The way script dection works is by Arma2 calling a BattlEye callback function notifying it with that a script was executed, and then BattlEye sends the script to the server, and in the server some analysis are done based on a blacklist, in order to determine if the script is legit or not. I'd post the Battleye's decompiled state and some Init Functions but I'm not allowed Anyways.
  8. Posting IPs & GUID's is perfectly legal, If it wasn't then there would be ALOT of closed/deleted threads/topics by Moderators & Administators. 1. If you dont want your IP posted then tuff shit, you shouldnt have anything to worry about anyways. Chances are your not running any vunrable/exploitable services/software on your machine/network and if you are then you should know just as damn well how to secure it. If you get hacked then thats your own fault. 2. GUID's are just as public as your name ingame is. GUID's are posted when ever you join a server to EVERYONE. Know how easy it is to just use screencapture from Xfire or any other 3rd party software and boom I have your GUID or just by simply checking logs. 3. Unless your a moderator and can actually do something about it, STOP telling people to remove IPs/GUID's from threads/topics because your not the boss.
  9. Dimmizer

    Are these legitimate bannable offenses?

    I've attached my bans.txt file for you so you have a reference to go off of and AmmoBoxSmall_762 is referencing to the ammo boxes that spawn at Heli Crash Sites or in the Barrackes @ the NorthWest Air Strip Edit: Just incase you still have a question about the bans.txt [GUID] [time in minutes] [reason] Ban a player's BE GUID from the server. If time is not specified or 0, the ban will be permanent; if reason is not specified the player will be kicked with "Banned". If you have any questions about a specific item you can look for it here. http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html If you still need help jump on my TeamSpeak Server and find me. Server Address: ts.savagereach.com bans.txt
  10. If they spawned a chopper then it should be logged within the remoteexec.log file and you'll see their names with a vehicle script in it.
  11. Yes seriously, I've tested this theroy by checking my server logs IE createvehicle.log and there was nothing there. I then had him jump in the chopper with me and jump out the west side of the chopper so that he would parachute west. I checked the server logs again and sure enough it said Edit: Feel free to try this yourself.
  12. Yeah those are hacks, lay the ban hammer on him.
  13. Dimmizer

    Are these legitimate bannable offenses?

    Yes they are all legit mate, ban them off your server and as for your next step follow this thread. http://dayzmod.com/f...s-2124-banlist/ I created a thread specific for my server displaying each ban with logs & the reason they were banned etc.. also be sure to follow. http://dayzmod.com/f...ort-guidelines/ Other then that you did good :D Edit: WAIT! lol 26.08.2012 10:08:53: Ricardo ( fb44eb1d74e37498a136eeb674ba87ca - #0 "AmmoBoxSmall_762" 48:59 [4629,10487,339] & 24.08.2012 21:38:09: -T42-Jack ( 01680c3aea6d0d9a5d8b00c6a8c7d24d - #0 "AmmoBoxSmall_762" 307:1277 [4629,10492,339] Are not legit bans, don't ban them,
  14. Is meaning that the Helicopter they were flying has crashed and exploded. Is indicating that when he ejected from the Helicopter it automaticly deploys a Parachute when above 100m and he was going West. There are different models in the game that have to go with the direction you are Parachuting. How would it look if you were Parachuting West but when you looked @ the Parachute it was pointing East or North? lol. It has to match the direction the player is going or it'd look funny & the game logs it. These logs are legit and there is no hacking of any kind here that I can see.
  15. Dimmizer

    US 2124 Banlist

    Savage Reach Gaming US 2124 www.savagereach.com Welcome to the US 2124 Banlist which will show who & why we have banned with what reasons they have been banned. If you find yourself banned from our server unjustly please contact us and we will investigate & act accordingly. With this being said lets get the show started!. I will be updating this thread anytime a new ban is made. Prof. Oak - Spawning Ammo Boxes Andy 33478 - Spawning Ammo Boxes Dan - Spawning Ammo Box Bob - Vehicle Spawning RussiaPirate - Spawning Ammo Box Nevymoon - Vehicle Spawning money544 - Vehicle Spawning KeithBROHPZ<3 - Vehicle Spawning iStealth - Vehicle Spawn JONASS - Vehicle Spawn Aaron - Vehicle Spawn Thanks For Your Time
  16. Dimmizer

    Admin Banned me from US 2124

    Your very welcome :) glad we got this fixed.
  17. Dimmizer

    Admin Banned me from US 2124

    Please join us on TeamSpeak @ ts.savagereach.com if you could please and talk to me about this. Edit: Bans removed
  18. Dimmizer

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    US 2124 Purchsed 9 Days ago Instance ID Over 8000! lol No Vehicles
  19. US 2124 started about a week ago, brand new server and everything. I've installed everything correctly and everything works just fine. All except the vehicles. Tents, Buildings everything spawns perfectly fine except Vehicles. My group and I have scanned the map for our 4th time with nothing. crashed helis spawn, and everything but no vehicles. What could be causing this problem? Any ideas?