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About Kuronama

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  1. Kuronama

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can make my way to you, but i am just outside Cherno. I have a blood bag and some cooked meat. Steam: kuronama1 Skype: shadem14
  2. Kuronama

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In the berezino area willing to treat patients that arent too far. Skype: shadem14 Steam: kuronama1
  3. Kuronama


    oh my god i hope i dont encounter this... imagine that happening at dusk/night.
  4. I logged out last night near the military tents in stary sobor, but when i logged in today to play i found myself on the shore near solnichniy. Why is this? Did some hacker mess with me?
  5. Im in my late 20s, mature (no squeaky kiddie here), and live on the east coast. I'm well versed in Dayz and am pretty geared out so i can help newer players but i prefer not to play with people who dont know what theyre doing. Just sick of playing solo and would like to play with some chill people. Looking to play in a relaxed atmosphere and not any of that strict heirarchy clan crap. Also, i smoke alot of weed so if i do stupid things (its not often, but it happens :P) that is why. If there any any questions about if i am trustworthy, check out the huge medic thread. I have helped 3 people so far in that thread by providing morphine and food to people stranded with broken legs. :) Hit me up, skype: shadem14 and steam: kuronama1 My preferred comms is TS 3 or ventrilo. I am looking for people to play right now! B) Edit: by southwest, i mean the southwest of chernarus. I am currently in Kamenka.
  6. I'm down. Im in my late 20s, mature (no squeaky kiddie here), and live on the east coast. I'm well versed in Dayz and am pretty geared out so i can help you guys out. Just sick of playing solo and would like to play with some chill people. Also, i smoke alot of weed so if i do stupid things (its not often, but it happens :P )that is why. Hit me up, skype: shadem14 and steam: kuronama1 I'm available to play today, right now actually.
  7. Kuronama

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    im in zelenogorksk just north of you. i could meet up with you in ~15 mins travel time max. I have a blood bag for the job. I will PM you also. Skype: shadem14
  8. Kuronama

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In zelengorsk with med supplies to help anyone in the area if needed, just no antibiotics.
  9. Kuronama

    Looking for good players..

    go ahead and add me on skype maybe i can join you guys some night skype is shadem14
  10. Kuronama

    Looking for good players..

    Sorry im done for the night, what do you guys use for comms? ts?
  11. Kuronama

    Looking for good players..

    All sounds good to me, but i usually dont play any later than 10:30pm sunday-thursday but quite more and later on the weekends.
  12. Check out this thread, it has a LOT of people willing to help people out all the time if anyone needs medical assistance for nothing in return: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/page__st__5140 I will give it to you, there are alot of people that love to grief new players in this game for no loot return. However, there is quite a bit of people out there that make use of this game in a sandbox fashion rather than a griefing one.
  13. You're telling the newbies to server hop and kill on sight? wtf.. Play the game as it's meant to be played, don't try to bypass the learning curve by running to a store and server hopping. How will the noobies learn how to properly avoid zeds? How will they learn to attempt communication before taking hostile actions? How will they learn to ration supplies when they just need to run to a supermarket and server hop? You're turning the new players into the very worst kinds of players in this game. Congrats.
  14. Kuronama

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Managed to find myself some antibiotics before i bled out, so im all set. :D
  15. Kuronama

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still in need of antibiotics in the cherno area if anyone can help it would be appreciated :)