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Everything posted by Mphlol

  1. Mphlol

    Epic disappointment x 2

    People log out to avoid zombies? Why the FUCK are you playing a zombie simulator???
  2. Mphlol

    Spawn with a Map

    Hello, This topic is going to be discussing the suggestion of spawning with a map. I'm going to be discussing the positive and negative effects that could come from spawning with a map. At least, I'm going to think of all the positive and negative things I can about spawning with a map. I encourage you to give your feedback on positive effects and/or negative effects that I may not mention. Firstly, I would like to discuss the positive effects of being able to spawn with a map. First and for most, it's obvious. The most positive thing is that, well, simply, you get to spawn with a map, which is very beneficial to everyone. Spawning with a map will make it a lot easier for new players to find there way in the vast island we call Chernarus. Also, being able to spawn with a map will make things incredibly more convenient for players to meet up with their friends. Currently, meeting up with your friends is tedious and can become frustrating and annoying. Spawning with a map would also be a fairly minuscule item to spawn with compared to the others. You spawn with a back pack, a bandage, painkillers and even a flashlight. That being said, a map is a lot more realistic to spawn with than painkillers or a flashlight. Now that we're on the topic of realism, I would like to look at the negative effects that may come into effect if you started to spawn with a map. Secondly, spawning with a map will have it's negative effects. Spawning with anything besides a backpack is simply unrealistic in it'self. There will always be players that like to play hardcore and there will always be players who are just looking to have some fun with their friends. Perhaps knowing where you're going might conflict with these two different play styles and might even turn out to be something that benefits one play style over another. I can't find many negative things to say about spawning with a map without forcing myself to go into the "Hardcore, hipster, QQ moar, game is 2 ez" type of player. Lastly, I'm sure I missed out on a lot points from both the positive and negative effects of spawning with a map and I urge everyone who reads this post to submit their opinion and/or their thoughts in a reply below. Thank you all for reading!
  3. Hello, Currently, DayZ Commander is telling me that the latest revision is 95913. I currently have 95883. When ever DayZ Commander says I have downloaded the newest revision; 95913, it never actually updates. It says that the update is complete, but I'm still stuck at 95883. This has occurred every time I try downloading the new version. Any thoughts?
  4. Hello, I am a decently experienced DayZ player looking for more players to create a squad with. I'm going to give you a brief explanation of how I play DayZ to give you a rough opinion. I'm not a serious bandit, mind you. Currently, I play solo. To me, whoever has a gun is a threat and I kill them on sight if we both notice each other. If I see that someone doesn't notice me, I will use direct communication voice chat to try and contact them. If they don't respond in 3 seconds, or turn and face me in my direction with a gun, I will KoS. Now that you know a little bit about how I like to play DayZ, I am going to list below what kind of squad I'm trying to make and the requirements to play. Hopefully you are interested! Squad will be a maximum of 5 players. Not a big server known clan, but a mysterious, silent and small group of organized bandits. Squad members don't have an age requirement, but rather must be mature enough to my liking, as well as the other squad members liking. Squad members must have at least 1 week of experience playing DayZ. Squad members must also have basic knowledge of looting, surviving and knowledge of zombies and how to combat/escape them. (Preference) Squad members are preferred to be in the NA region (Canada, U.S.) for a more convenient time of play. Message me on the forums if you're interested and are outside of the NA region and I will consider you. Squad members must have Skype or Ventrillo for voice communication. When the squad is formed, we will decide which program we prefer. In conclusion, this is very much my personal filter of what I'm looking for in a squad to play with. If you're interested, please feel free to leave a reply to this post, or contact me via Skype. I hope you consider this and I look forward to playing with you! Thank you for reading! As I stated above, you can contact me via Skype if you prefer. If so, send me a message to my account on this forum with your Skype name and I will add you ASAP.
  5. Mphlol

    Play what you paid for

    Oh God another QQ post...
  6. Mphlol

    Why this mod is failing

    Wait. Chernarus is a post apocalyptic, zombie infested wasteland... And people are mad about bandits? Jesus Christ Chernarus isn't a fucking rainbow island filled with ponies and love. This game is all about the hardcore PvP. That's why this mod is popular. If you hate bandits, you're playing the complete wrong game. Now Alt+F4? That's a whole other problem.
  7. Anyone who is unarmed will be a threat in the future.
  8. Hello, I just finished dying just a couple of minutes ago. I saw someone with a rifle a couple meters away from me and I was behind him. I sneaked up on him and shot 2 full magazines of the Makarov into his body and maybe 3 of those rounds hit the back of his head. The anonymous player turned around and shot me twice after I unloaded the 2 magazines into him. I died from his 2 shots. So what I'm trying to ask is, how many bullets does it take to kill a player with the Makarov PM? Besides that question, what I experiences was quite ridiculous. Was this a bug? Or?
  9. Mphlol

    Makarov PM Damage

    Thank you all for helping me with this very confusing experience. I honestly believe that any amount more than 6 is far beyond logical reasoning and realism. Anything beyond 6 bullets from a Makarov is complete non sense. I'll make sure I never pick up this weapon again.
  10. Hello, I've come across a very frequent and life threatening problem ever since I started playing DayZ. To toggle auto run, you need to press shift twice. To run manually, you hold down shift for as long as you please. This seems like a very simple control, but I'm having a very frustrating issue with this particular control. 5 minutes into my game, my toggle run and manual run will stop working, as if my shift key is broken. I double tap shift and nothing works, I hold down shift and get no movement. I try to repeatedly mash the shift key in hopes that I can start running again. To no avail, I'm left off having to double tap W to sprint. I want to survive, but when the only way to move is by 100% sprinting, I won't last very long. It's almost as if my shift key dies mysteriously, but I know for a fact it's not my shift key. I will be crouch running or sprinting rarely from time to time and of course I'll stop and pick up loot. After a short amount of time in-game, the toggle run and manual run with the shift key just dies on me. I'll sometimes have a zombie targeting me and when I try to crouch run away, all of a sudden my toggle run/manual run dies and I find my self mashing the shift key while my character slowly walks in sneak mode. To remedy this constant issue, I just disconnect from my current server and reconnect and it starts to work again. But as always, this issue keeps on coming back, mostly during the most unfortunate times. I want to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue and/or if you know how to permanently resolve this issue. Thank you for reading my post, and I also appreciate the time you used to read my post. Any information about this issue I'm having, I would very much appreciate your input in a reply below. Thanks again for reading, and as always, happy surviving! ~ Mike
  11. Mphlol

    DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

    What if you don't have a map and don't know where you are?
  12. I have run Steam as an Admin and this did not fix the issue. Perhaps I need to run that game through Steam as an admin? I can't find an option to run the game it'self as an admin though.