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Posts posted by Shawndo3

  1. Want a fun Friendly New Server Full of Wonderful LOOT =D and People willing to group up, well This server has what you need.. 1st and 3rd person.. Veteran Difficulty.. and constant monitoring to prevent hackers... Server Restarts ever 12 Hrs to avoid Server issues... Come Survive the Apocolypse..

    Also Have Vent if anyone is looking to group up =D, On all hours Day and night..

  2. Hey guys... My name is shawn, very mature player here... I am currently Running Dayz, BF3, Dead Island, WoW, Diablo 3, and a few others PC online.. I am almost always online and have a vent server to chat on.. I am looking for people to play with because honestly playing solo is extreamly boring... I do have a few people that roll with me but there not on at all the extreme hours that im on... Our survival is crazy good if we stick together and share loot...

    Hit me up on here, if you would like to play any of these games with me...

    My Steam Id- ShaWnDo3

    Look forward to kickin some zombie ass with you guys... =D

  3. Hey guys... My name is shawn, very mature player here... I am currently Running Dayz, BF3, Dead Island, WoW, Diablo 3, and a few others PC online.. I am almost always online and have a vent server to chat on.. I am looking for people to play with because honestly playing solo is extreamly boring...

    Hit me up on here, if you would like to play any of these games with me...

    My Steam Id- ShaWnDo3

    Look forward to kickin some zombie ass... =D

  4. Something like that dale would be awesome... dont really want to many lights, just enought to kinda make the game alittle more interesting and real... Zombie apoc. with 0 Lights? Cant believe that...Peetgamer... not cheating.. not one bit.. adding some challenge to it making it harder to sneak around in cities/towns... but it would add alot of depth into the game as well.. Not cheating if it adds REALISM to the game...

  5. Now we dont want to overdue the lighting.. "Might take away from the realism of the game!" and dont want to upset anyone.. lol But.. the I think with that light house rotating light... shining hella bright like the flash light.. it shouldnt be a prob seeing it in the dark night across the map.. Hell i think it would add some excitement to the game, say your crawling in the dark and the light beam passes over you for only a split second and it reveals like 3/4 zombies and a wandering bandit right in front of you looking the opposite way, only to get shot in the back of the head for being a Killer.... man that would be freakin awesome... I just think this idea on top of some houses that are NON Enterable to have a small amount of light omitting from them and maybe have the flares going in the major cities to somewhat light them up... making alot more people move around faster to avoid getting shot/ or running into a swarm of zombies... the flare thing i can live with out but the Lighthouse/House thing could be really Interesting..

  6. Completly agree with you sappo, this is a mean idea and I kinda hope that this could be implemented into the game.. don't completely dark out cities.. give them some lights to keep some creepy crawlers from lurking under the moonlight plus... I can really care less about the bandits... So many times I have crawled right into a zombie having the slightest clue that he was in my area... Even with him groaning... Booo lol I'm not asking for a massive lit up city just a few houses scattered to here and there in chernarus to leave there lights on an unopennable house to help distinguish where the hell I'm at in the city or something.. there zombies now, I'm sure the last thing there worried about there light bill... Plus why have a power station with no lights? And this could def make it more fun playing on night servers....


    Please guys your opinions matter.. help this one out.

  7. Damn.. didn't realize you sent your girlfriends after me sting haha, take it easy guys/girls.. not a carebear... Don't want to make the game easy.. friendly fire would take away from the realistics of the game and after posting on it a week or so ago I see now the error of my ways.. and realize that I love having it on enspecially when I can shoot you in the back of the head with old black betty after saying I'm a friendly then taking your shit and rolling out haha.. so to call me a care bear.. I think not. Only reason I posted it in the first place on a seperate thread was because I accidently shot my real life friend when he ran out in front of me while I was trying to kill a zombie... And hell I have died to it as well while trying to group with my friends and accidently getting shot.. it does suck but hey... Haters gonna hate..

  8. Easier if they just stayed on all night lol, but hey I'm open to suggestions.. maybe have to have a toolbox or something to fix it if they do go down.. but that's your idea :), servers go down all the time so I doubt anyone would waste there time fixing them. But would be cool. Maybe boost your humanity if you fix certain things that will help other players survive.

  9. nice poem.

    bad suggestion/idea.

    Sting you sure do leave a lot of negative feedback... Please give us some suggestions Ffs... Apparently no ideas are the best to you.. please leave your suggestions are gtfo of the suggestion section...

    That is all...

  10. Alright as everyone knows, night time is really dark and it makes it really hard to see any thing... Even with the brightness and gamma boosted all the way to max... But what if.. and this is a big what if, instead of having just the north star as a guide point for where true north is, make it to where the Flares on top of the stacks are glowing red and Orange with fire and have the lighthouses light shining and (rotating) to help better guide people lost in the woods back to the coastal areas... Maybe light up a few of the non enterable houses giving alittle more lighting to completely darkened areas making it harder to sneak around.. in certain areas.

    Just an idea... Don't get carried away with the hates if you don't like the idea troll somewhere/someone else.

  11. As said before there just ideas, and as for the must read... Hell I'm curious as to why I wrote this lol... Anyways, back to the idea portion. Constructive criticism is nice and all, but there just ideas and there not goin to change the game so just chill. Now as for the first one which was a choice between your characters path.. I am a bandit and have been ever since I was shot in the back ohh so many times, so I became angry and started popping survivors as they came by.. but truth be told I am no bandit and don't really want to be but unfortunately I am stuck as one, I am always looking to play the game as a survivor but can never really go back because my skin will always be like this... I see survivors all the time and wish to join them but am immediately fired soon so I have to return fire and kill them only because I am a bandit I am cursed... Just wish I had a choice and thought it was a good idea.

    2.only reason I say group system is because so many times have I been running with my buddies I lose them so fast enspecially in the dark.. make it to where they have a name tag above there head as long as your in that group with them... Friendly fire I can give a crap about just thought I would add it because I accidenly killed my buddy the other day when we stormed some building in elecktro.

    3. I still think the random spawn points idea is awesome... The text at the bottom right part of the screen tells you what your spawning next too, and the internet has maps so why fight it.. were all alittle lost anyways Lolz... Still think this is a great idea but hell no one likes it :'(

    4. I do like the idea of having a friends list you can use to spawn next to your buddies, but can totally understand how it would affect the gameplay exp. And retract this one from my list..

    5. I think I ran out of ideas to discuss lol.. I ran around the map today looking for these parts and was quite pleased at the results.. problem is is once you completed a car or helicopter, and the server crashes? Like it usually does... What then?

    Anyways thanks for reading and hopefully this helps... There just IDEAS... Relax plz lol, and see you on the Zombiefield

  12. Ok, I like many others in this game have had it up to here because of random bandits rolling and trolling me on this game.. I really do love this game and do not wish to change a lot, just implement a few new ideas and see what you guys think.

    1. Give a choice before you start the game if you, as a player have a Choice to be a Friendly survivor, or a Bandit.

    Now working off that, if you choose to be a survivor you spawn with more items in your bags, food, equip., ammo, ect. And vice versa for bandits, but you will only spawn with a certain amount of items giving bandits a reason to scaveng on other players. Survivors can and will be given better clothing to help hide them (hense Survivor) and bandits make them more noticeable. Penalize survivors for shooting other survivors, by not just changing there bandit skin, but by making it to where they can't group with other survivors. Or where you can't be helped by anyone such as blood transfusions or bandaged by other players since no one except bandits like eachother and even then who's to say bandits will group with eachother. So basically make it to where survivors with survivors, and bandits with bandits but never a bandit with a survivor, (would you wanna be with a murdering bandit during a zombie apocolypse?)

    2. Make it to where if you join up with someone and both of you sulute each other it will make it to where you can't kill eachother from friendly fire, are implement a , group system to avoid this with like a party of no more the what 5 players or so?

    3.Spawning- Bandits & Survivors. I do like the fact that the spawn points are random, but just to the beach? Change it to keep players moving around. If you keep everyone spawning on the beach, where do you think the trolling bandits are gonna chill at? Hell the other day I just spawned and started my way to Elecktro, and I came across atleast 6 survivors bodies within that little run, chilling on the beach dead with no zombies in sight.. hmmm... Change it up, all around the map all the way to the NW Airfield.

    4. Spawning within maybe a 5 min run from your friend/friends. Instead of spawning at the beach near elecktro only to have to run for almost an hour to get to the NW Airfield. Maybe place a 5 min timer on if you die, you can't spawn on your team mate until you have waited 5 min before spawning on them again. I really can't see how this would hurt or affect the game given 90%of the time I'm online I'm trying to track down my friends only to find out that I have to go to work or something 10 min after I found them. Basically leaves no time to play the game since its almost turned into a cross country run simulator, instead of a Zombie apocolypce.

    5. Designate cerain places such as gas stations to find automotive or heli parts, I also can understand big cities as well, but a car tire in a barn or house confuses me.

    More ideas to come, plz let me know what you guys think. Just remeber there just ideas.

    Oh and all of this was written on my smart phone so don't mind my grammar.
