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About Thesonofben

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Seattle area
  1. Just a huge Day Z fan looking for an experience beyond the solo game. I live in Western Washington and know the game's ins and outs. I've played for quite a while and am still loving the solo experience (most of the time), but I'm tired of calling friendly only to be shot in the back later so they can take what little I have. I've had a few amazing runs, at one time owning NVGs, a Ghille suit, etc. I know the hotspots and try to avoid confrontation. I'd like to stick to US servers, as the pings on others if often shit. I really prefer day servers, too. Again, just looking for an extra set of eyes that won't shoot me for no reason. I'm willing to share gear, of course, because we are survivors together! PM me, I guess. My hours for playing are pretty open. I'm a teacher and I have a few weeks of summer left :) I have a vent server accessible, but can use Skype, too.