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About ketchup

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Canada, NB
  1. Many a player will immediately begin stalking other players for shiggles and better gear. Every unknown is a potential and likely unfriendly. Shooting someone is significantly easier than hiding or running, but both can prevent close encounters. I do the latter, while most prefer the former or try for it. I see where you are going when you say there is a point, but that point is avoidable if you try. But why play a survival game if the only thing you do is play it as a sniping simulator? ARMA 2 is great for that, and they might be able to shoot back and give it some feasible challenge. Like Dwarf Fortress, you make your own fun in this game. I derive fun from the game by helping others, driving about, or throwing flares and various other noticeable things around Cherno. Others shoot people. What I've never gotten is why people derive pleasure from depriving others of pleasure. AKA, griefing. People do it in real life too, and I am rather disappointed at that. From what I've heard of EVE, I think I know what you are getting at.
  2. Call it whining, if you will. I don't think that killing another player that can't do harm to you is beneficial if you don't loot them afterwards. You could do it for the rush, but I can't see how sniping can give any sort of joy, unless you are a sadist. And this is my opinion, say what you will. If you think I'm stupid for attempting to apply human ethics to a video game, go ahead. I never said he should stop. The question was 'why', and what he does afterwards. "The practice of deliberately allowing or permitting a thing of which one disapproves." Is the definition of toleration. If I wanted to 'get rid of it', per se, I'd play by myself on a private server. It is an important mechanic. I apologize for making you angry.
  3. ketchup

    Crossbow bandit

    Well, kill a spawn sniper, post the video, and I'll give you all the beans, as that would be a real feat.
  4. ketchup

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I wish you all luck on your endeavors.
  5. Okay, you killed many players in this game. Good for you? How many people out of that number had a reason to be shot? How many did you loot? Or did you just sit on a mountain shooting passersby for shiggles and "E penis" growth after they worked on getting nice equipment? While I don't support or commit banditry, I tolerate and understand it, but griefing is another thing entirely. Killing in this game has gotten too senseless and meaningless.
  6. The trolls have been unleashed. No TMW members are to shoot on sight or commit banditry, AFAIK. Whitelisted medics, like myself are not bound by those rules but have been shown to be trustworthy to a patient. I follow those rules because I'm a Humanist, not because I'm TMW. I don't tend to last very long SO... If he didn't identify himself as a member as TMW, they owe you nothing and you owe them nothing.
  7. ketchup

    Tell about your first kill.

    After my friend died while going up stairs for no reason, my other friend had to leave. We were in the Cherno apartments. I stood by to guard the body, and after a while, it sunk into the ground. I looked around the corner and see a dark looking survivor coming up the stairs. Something about him told me he was a bandit, not sure what. He reached the landing I was on, he pulled out his sidearm, an M1911, while I had a pre-nerf Enfield out. He broke my leg, and I shot him a few times in panic. He died, debug called him a bandit, and when I tried to take his backpack, the stairs struck again. I was at very low blood by then, so I had to log out or risk death by stairs. This was a long time ago, as mentioned earlier, pre-nerf.
  8. ketchup

    [The Cure]: An Introduction

    Beans for you.
  9. He is correct. Griefers and bandits share the other side.
  10. ketchup

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Available near Cherno, shoot me a PM if you need help.
  11. ketchup

    Message to hackers

    I'm fourteen, I have few work stresses or worries. I am a secular humanist. I am a medic in-game. I help people because I'd want another person to do the same. It gives me joy and I'm quite sure it gives others the same sense of happiness. I've never been hacked in DayZ, but I know what they do. It makes no sense to me, why intentionally make someone miserable? Like every living thing on this planet, I will die, but I hope I will have made people happy during my life. OP, you have my beans.
  12. ketchup

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm being tended to.
  13. ketchup

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ummm... I've got a problem. I crashed my hatchback into a roadblock Mogilevka, it exploded, and me and my brother need help. I've got 300 blood, and he has 1800. We are near a roadblock on the south road leading in and are bleeding and unconscious. I'll be in the teamspeak.