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Everything posted by Masis

  1. You Alt-F4'd at 15:32. That was my round that took him down.
  2. 95% of them are hacked in. The other 5% are those who had them before they where patched out. And it's TWS (Thermal Weapons Sight) not, LWS.
  3. Masis

    Thank you Henry!

    It's why I just snipe now-a-days. Shoot-outs rarely exist.
  4. Masis

    Murdering people with the enfield.

    In before more of the "Baaahhh I hate nametags and crosshairs because it gives people the ability to kill me when I already suck" comments. Lee Enfield. Best troll weapon of 2012. "Nice AS50, I think I'll take it" -Dinner Bell- "Thanks." On a side note, what the fuck was that talking in the background? "Please stay away from my ass!"
  5. Why not? It's part of the game. (It's called Meta-Game, google it.) And from your last statement, I feel like you claim anyone who snipes you while trying to snipe Stary Sobor is a "hacker". Stop assuming everyone is a scripter. Evan had a M4A1 M203 (Or whatever one has a grenade launcher), I had an AS50, and they all had rifles and such :Edit: I see the AS50 TWS, do you know how many of these I have from killing kids who have them? They might as well be added back into the game. Honestly, dealing with the amount of people whining about hackers ruining everything (Which isn't true. I've ran into 2-3 hackers) is just as bad as dealing with hackers themselves.
  6. Nametags mean nothing, really. However, sniping in Elektro isn't really "that" amazing of a sport. However, it is pretty fun; and easier to make a montage like this with.
  7. Masis

    Sniping goes wrong.

    Had a survivor a friend and I killed a few times continue to run up towards us. I cannot count how many hatchets he had found.
  8. Suck it up. If you don't suck, you can avoid being found with name tags on. Doesn't mean he sucks or doesn't. It's not like he's using the name tags to scan. Probably the get the distance; but does it take that much skill to pull out a range finder? Dumb assumption. This is a board meant for stories and bragging. We're bandits, we kill for thrills. You might need to head over to the Survivor HQ if you have problems with it.
  9. Masis

    G36SD camo?

    ITT: So much QQ about guns they can't get. (Because apparently hacked guns make you l33t invincible)
  10. Meta-gaming is always fun. It's a nice break from just hunting and killing. Befriend you. Become one of your fire team. Loot and kill together. Then leave you a little satchel charge as you're raiding a barracks. Deceit is a delicacy.
  11. That "rocket launcher" was me, who you happened to stumble upon NE of the NWAF. That was an AS50, not a rocket launcher lol. I just shot one of your guys, then you all Alt-F4'd (One of you didn't, and I commend you on your bravery) However, that soda you drank allowed me to crawl up and sneak a few SD rounds into your chest. Side note: Someone was using satchel charges nearby also. I heard it also, it's what made you guys so easy to spot.
  12. If by "leet scriptz" you mean watching you drop after firing my rifle. Then sure, call me a hacker, and say I was invisible. Just makes it so much better. I kill anything.
  13. Masis

    New script named: Mortal kombat

    Just curious. Not that I support hacking and or hackers. But why do you assume that the folks creating these hacks are all "script-kiddies" or children? Clearly they have some kind of knowledge above yours to be able to create these kind of things. Yes, there are children who find how to do it and run the mass kill scripts. And they are annoying as shit. But the majority of these script-makers probably aren't, considering it takes some know-how to do what they're doing. Aka, creating a script that teleports everyone into an arena, with spawned in buildings (etc.), making vaulting kill each other, as well as bypassing an anti-hack. That's pretty smart if you ask me. Does it ruin the game? Yeah. Do I think it should be allowed? Nope. Assumptions like that make you sound like a child. But more on topic; I prefer when I'm thunder-domed. No one really knows what to do in mortal combat.
  14. He just had to axe you guys some questions.
  15. And this is when hackers start blowing everything up. Don't dick with them. Just report them.
  16. Correction would be Starry Sobor. The NWAF/Cherno/Elektro are some of the best and easiest places for loot. Everyone is scared because of the thought of all the snipers, etc. so everyone ends up avoiding those locations. Starry Sobor is just full of wanna-be bandits who love getting axed questions.
  17. Masis

    I should have known

    Looks like he used spaces pretty well.
  18. Kid tries to set difficulties on a game with 0 static variables. Someone just got killed. You might want to go here, Survivor HQ
  19. Masis

    AS50 TWS loot?

    Google that weapon. It's not even in the game. Kthx. Also. OP, keep it. Don't listen to the kids. If you found it, killed for it, etc. Have at it. They are just upset that now you have an advantage over them.
  20. Masis

    Never trust a N00b

    Just happened to me and my partner twice. However, we don't keep ammo in our backpacks. So. Let's just say. It was a bad move on their part.
  21. Masis

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    Can't sit down and argue with children all day. Silly survivors should stay off the bandit forums; you may get hurt. Refer to what I said above. I wish I had all the time in the world to prove kids wrong. But; real life called, and from how he talks. He is the best kind.
  22. They'll think twice about touching my beans. Also, Versnik near Pustoshka and Vybor. Somewhat high traffic as it's a mountain surrounded by fields that have Heli crashes and lead up to NWAF. Wouldn't ever spawn in on the mountain though. Always dangerous.
  23. Masis

    What gear do you rock?

    The hackers "ruining" the game are the ones blowing up everything and killing everyone. The ones who spawn stuff in are nothing more than easy prey. Does that mean I like hackers? Nope. I'll continue to shoot children like you with these guns, and you can continue to whine about it. You've derailed this thread enough.
  24. Masis

    What gear do you rock?

    Oh god. If you believe that BattlEye counts each time I fire my rifle. You are so. Just so. I don't even care to discuss that with you anymore. Try imagining the scope of that. Maybe you'll do some more research on how BattlEye actually works. -Facepalm- Would you prefer I use my L85? Because I have these guns, and I killed someone for them? That sounds like a childs argument. "Well if it's the same, throw it away since I don't have it TT.TT" Glad you find the little things in life funny. Someones upset.
  25. Masis

    What gear do you rock?

    If someone whines about dying to a "hacked" weapon, they need to leave DayZ. It's a weapon, just like any other. It kills the same, and requires the same amount of skill to use. Players do. I'll take the word of the Devs who said it'd be fine. And why would firing them off attract the attention of BattlEye? That makes 0% sense. Yet I kill a hacker and plenty others without them? Your assumption is invalid. I don't die. And would I care? Nope. You're just an upset child. On every response to my original post. Because it's true? You whining and crying about it is even funnier. (Because you don't have any?) You don't get out much, do you?