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About Windskid

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm looking to find a group to get into some squad play. I've honestly only been playing Dayz for about a week but have a ridiculous amount of time into it. I've got friends that play however they are not on as much as I am and their time varies due to real life and their schedule not being as flexible as mine. Im 28 from maryland (east coast) , been hardcore gaming for 11 years. Played every major fps there is. I can be both hilarious and serious depending on the where its appropriate, nobody likes to lose so when it comes to being competitive and winning i do that it serious but have fun at the same time. Current gear: m9 sd m4a1 sd/as50 Ghillie NVG rangefinder Coyote 24 slot I've also like most have a stash with litterally a ton of shit. fn fals, dmrs, czs, m4a1 holo, mk48s, aks kobra, m16s, akms, ghillies, m249, etc so regearing isn't a problem as I think I'm pretty self reliant and I know where and how to get the loots. Just lookin to roll some faces and have a good time, if you're interested reply or pm me and we can go from there. I'll obviously change my loadout some before meeting up and then see how it goes, afterall we are bandits :)