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About marformation

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. marformation

    Ghillie Suits For Sale

    Mountain dew for one :D
  2. marformation

    Selling: The legendary MOUNTAIN DEW.

    I want 5 AS50s and a helicopter.
  3. marformation

    Trading an AS50, 6 NATO rounds.

    Don't know what I want, so just put up offers.
  4. Player Handle: Marformation Player Age: 17 Experience: None in groups, very high solo. Had the game for 6 months. Map Knowledge Chernarus: Medium-high. Map Knowledge Lingor: Low. Map Knowledge Takistan: None. Preferred Role: Overwatch, pilot, any kind of sniper. Preferred Primary: DMR, Enfield Preferred Secondary: M9SD, G17. Preferred Playstyle: Tactical. Skype/Vent/Teamspeak?: Yes/Yes/Yes Timezone: GMT -6 Language(s) Known (Not Necessary): English.
  5. I got bored with trying to be the 'nice guy', running around with meds and food waving the white flag to anyone I saw only to get a bullet to the face when I turned to leave What I'm looking for is a mature, only bandit clan, very organized with teamspeak or something along those lines. Preferably with vehicles, a large stash of loot, all that jazz. A private server would be icing on the cake. Currently I'm armed to the teeth, NVGs, Rangefinder, AS50, M9 SD, and an M4A1 CCO SD. Only thing missing is a Coyote backpack. Here's the kicker, I'm not going to set up a meeting with any idiot who comes in here. Took me a hell of a long time to get all this gear, I'm not going to hand it out to someone pretending to have an awesome clan. A website, something, I don't care, would be great. Either post here or PM me. Forgot to mention: I'm from North America.
  6. marformation

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    Age : 17 Dayz/Fps Experience : Intermediate. I can hold my own in firefights, can hit a pin prick with a DMR (favorite gun), and can pick and choose sniping spots very well. Though, I haven't had much experience dealing with other bandits out there. Plenty of other FPS experience, but ARMA is nothing like them. Why do you want to join? : Group raids, organized PvP, stakeouts, ambushes, lots of fun. Where are you from? : Chicago How often do you play? : Mostly every day.
  7. marformation

    My first 2 murders.

    Well, 2nd and 3rd, walking up to a new spawn with an Enfield and blasting their face off while they stare at me doesn't count. Anyway! This was at NWAF with a DMR. I was sitting by the south-east hill under one of those big leafy trees with the low hanging branches. Too far for any zombies to spawn, but well within sniping range with my little toy sniper. First idiot was running through the hangars, took the first shot while he was crouched down over a loot pile. He didn't run further into the hangar, he ran into the corner nearest the loot pile. I saw his arms move in and out of sight as he bandaged himself up (bullet hit him square in the chest). He went prone, which was a bad move since my next shot landed in his shoulder and dropped him. I waited ten minutes in case any others were going to come before moving in. The zeds despawned when he died, and I figured that if there were any other snipers around they would have taken the shot before me since I had taken a while to line everything up. I ran through the forest to the wall, then from the back of the hangars to his body. Nothing good, so I hid the body in case I wanted to go back to the hill after some looting. I went to the other end of the hangar and looked off in the distance, I saw a helicopter crash by the warehouses but also saw someone going into the control tower. Next I saw him he was at the top, I was afraid to take the shot since I wasn't sure if bullets could go through glass. I didn't need to wait, though, since I saw some zombies coming up the stairs while he was nose deep in a loot pile. He ran out to the balcony, 1911 in hand, and stopped right outside the door to take them down. By that time I had gotten the drop-distance down pretty good, so the next bullet went right in his head. Somehow that didn't aggro any zombies, so I ran my ass out of there. Didn't bother checking the crash, since either it was stripped down of anything good or being watched by someone else. So tell me, am I a smart bandit, or really fucking lucky?
  8. I'll give you a bicycle.
  9. DMR should have zeroing, AS50 and M107 should not. Damage should remain the same, just to add perfect imbalance.
  10. DayZ name: Marformation How long have you played DayZ: 3-4 months. Time Zone: GMT-6 Age: 17 PvP experience: Low-medium. I've never been in a big PvP battle, but I've held my own in firefights and can pick people off fairly easily with a DMR. Favorite Gun/Combo: DMR, M4A1 CCO SD, PDW or DMR, FN FAL, M9 SD. Team Experience: None at all beyond doing raids with one other person. How familiar with the map are you?: Very. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: Yes.
  11. marformation

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    All of my rep to jwjw, not only did he give me blood but he showed me 2 bike spawns and gave me his motorcycle and a GPS.
  12. marformation

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

  13. marformation

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still need help...
  14. marformation

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need help - ~5,000 blood and no food / knife or matches to hunt with. Just south of Drozhino, by the power lines.