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About rooster-run90

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. rooster-run90

    Fun in Electro

    HAHA! Funniest end to a post I've ever read. You have my beans sir. If you ever fancy playing with some cool/like minded players hit me back :)
  2. I was looking for a night server to play on, found US249 LA, spawned outside elek near cap galova, a chopper flew over and picked me up. He asked if I wanted some gear and seemed friendly enough, took me to northern airfield outskirts in the trees and let me take a ak-74s and some drink from a tent. He then dropped me off in a field full of vehicles and said I could have one. I asked if they were his and he said no and flew away, so I took a uaz and drove (getting completely lost in the woods). someone appeared near me shooting at me, I checked the player list and only him and I were online. He kept teleporting near me and shooting, I managed to get far enough away to exit the vehicle and quit. As the title of this thread shows, his name was Titty Sprinkles.
  3. Wow, I thought us British were fowl-mouthed, what's with the faggot bombs? Quite surprising considering none of you sound like yobs and most Americans I've spoke with are pretty articulate and considerate with their words. (Not meaning to be a troll or anything, maybe it's less offensive and more common slang over there? :)).
  4. I'm relatively new to dayz and genuinely struggle to survive by myself because of trigger-happy people or snipers. I've only one other friend to play with and we're looking for other like-minded people in a similar situation looking to form a small group to play with. No hardcore players, the aim is just to have a more fun and long-lasting gaming experience. Playing with a group gives more incentive and reason to explore and get immersed, at least I think so. Comment back if your interested and I can provide contact details :)