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Everything posted by jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

  1. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Meanwhile, at the office..

    Nice post Hetstaine. :D
  2. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Advice on which gun to use

    I don't care what people say bandit or survivor the M14 is the best gun in game for killing other players quickly. Bandit/Survivor you're going to have to shoot someone else at some point. 8000 blood per shot. You get hit once with an M14 and you're usually on the ground knocked out. Bye bye. Two shot kill see yea. Shoot me with your Stanag and I'll kill you before you kill me easily. Better hit me in the head or you're dead. DMR rounds stop cars, roast engines, and are EVERYWHERE to be found. Why wouldn't you carry this gun with it's amazing red dot site and shoot as fast as you can click. Anyways, moving on. M14 main, DMR in pack, G17 as pistol. Lately I have been switching out any sniper for L85 b/c I can't fucking stand it when me and friends jump some dudes only to have a two hour binoc standoff. L85 solves that quickly. Up to you for what you have. For me zombies are trivial. Hestaine mentioned Axe, but I move so quick that if a zombie becomes a problem (which rarely happens) one G17 to the head. Move on. G17 sound is low, clips are everywhere, and they are 17 shot clips. Nuff said yea? Good luck to you sir.
  3. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Time to call it a day for me :/

    I hear your server notes when you first log in is a good place to announce your server is going down. Or on high pop when regs are on talking over sidechat. I bet ZERO of the people that play on your craptastic server even come here. BAI BAI, shoot you in the standalone!
  4. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    How do I keep a chopper?

    Edited by Lobo, Today, 10:36 AM. Need to edit anymore fool?
  5. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    How do I keep a chopper?

    OP your a fucking idiot. You just set a light bulb off in 10 thousand little clowns that are going to be doing the same thing you are now. Had trouble before? Good luck buddy!
  6. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Can anyone please elaborate on this?

  7. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Acceptable AltF4 Moments

    Hackers made everyone become amazing at alt-f4. Even the clowniest of newbs got that shit down pat. Watching some of these silly videos on the forums with guys hovering over abort over and over makes me laugh. Lets hope the standalone has no hackers. If so then alt-F4 or abort should start a 5-10 second timer to logout. No immediates period.
  8. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Random Venting

    Cars move without engine parts. Put four tires on it and go. Find the other shit as your going. You fuckers that dupe its real simple. Find 1 tire. Dupe it three times. Move along. Lot of wasted time in some of these threads..
  9. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    DayZ Lingor Island vehicel spawns!

    Thats cool I guess if that is what your are into. I was on a Lingor Server last night that had the 67 vehicle spawn + 6 helis. I fixed a heli and proceeded to fly around watching others flying around. Kind of ruins the "scary zombie survival game" all together with 8 million vehicles and seeing helicopters flying everywhere. While it was fun for an hour or so I gave the heli away and my buds and I went back to hunting people where things are scarce and survival was more the point.
  10. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    The lesser of two evils.

    DayZ = Alpha ALPHA L P H A Alpha is meant to be buggy.
  11. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Why geared up players are hard to kill

    There should be a 5-10 second countdown timer to leave the game. You click abort, and you see 5......4......3......2......1.....logged off. There should be no alt-F4 or immediate log off possibility.
  12. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    I stole your heli @ GB #500 [PH] Gaming

    It's real simple. Leave that server and change your name if you don't want to be hunted. I killed a Navigator hacker on Lingor a week ago and every night since he has hunted me. It's kinda of fun actually.
  13. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Free Helicopter

    I got lost at this part "Hell, if you go to the trouble of fixing it all up, then you get sniped as you start it up." TARP WHAT?
  14. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Thank you to whoever did this.

    These posts to me are funny. Geoffrey finds some rare gear WOW NEATO! Thing is Geoffrey actually TOOK the TIME to come to the forums and post about it. Good ole Geoffrey is going to cry a river and make a HACKER thread 8975734754 when he dies and loses it all. Its a viscious cycle on these forums I tell you.
  15. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Helicopter respawn time

    Some Lingor maps have up to three UH-H1 depending upon your settings. I know of two spawn points at this point. 7 days on crashed.
  16. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    The Frozen Ghillie Guy Of Wonders... I Thank You Sir...

    That server needs to be restarted. Grats on finally finding some gear. Next thread......
  17. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    The "Friendly!" Experiment

    Being friendly happens and I think that really is part of having side chat enabled. I rarely found any friendlies on Chernarus even trying to communicate via direct, but on Lingor I have found friends a few times. I did find a repairable chopper just last night and got her going only to pick up a guy that had a difficult death to another player. I found this via side chat. We flew all around and hit some downed chopper etc. Eventually I invited him to my ventrilo and we both decided to play together over the coming days. His story was very similar to mine having a lot of friends playing DayZ in the beginning only to it being himself playing nowadays. Nice playing solo sometimes, but with a friend is always nice too.
  18. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    HACKER ON DE 2408

    Ya don't say? Hackers wow!
  19. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    If your camp was raided, what would you do?

    Duping stuff and putting them in the truch eh? Nice. Been there and done that. Enjoy being concerned about it b/c maybe 1 other go around finding another truck and duping your shit you'll be bored on Lingor or something.
  20. Thing is 100% of Alpha testers are paying customers. We all bought Arma etc. Most of the Alpha testers bought Arma just for DayZ.
  21. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 or M14 Aim

    M14 AIM all the way. DMR rounds everywhere. 8000 dmg per shot to player. Shoot as fast as you can click. That + red dot site + straight shooting to 500 meters seals the deal. That FAL is useless during the day and has limited ammo (only comes from crashed heli). Everytime I fresh log in I am searching for a M14 AIM......oh and trying to survive.
  22. Takes time to figure it out. The problems you are having happened to us all (minus the login problems for me). z - crawl, x - crouch, c - standup/run are your friends. Also, this game is very mousewheel oriented. Get used to using your wheel. Everyone has their way to play. I run circles around zombies. I run and run. When I am searching for loot I am in hall ass mode. Zombies walk when they enter building, so use the buildings to lose/evade zombies. If your in the open use shrubs/bushes/trees to lose them. The reason I run is I am a sniper/bandit and don't like to be in loot areas for long. Thats all I am going to says b/c I don't want you to learn too much as it ruins the whole experience.
  23. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    "Dude, I'm friendly..."

  24. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Ok I have had enough....

    Also agree. I am done too after a hacker encounter last night. Going to play other games until the standalone.
  25. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Farewell DayZ...

    Same shit happens to me all the time as well. Snuck up on a 50 cal fool sniping at the Prison on Lingor night before last he Alt-F4 as soon as I shoot. Last night set up trap on Nairfield Lingor. City bus + FIRST SATCHEL Charge ever found in a barracks. Dude rides up to it on a dirtbike. As soon as he stops I set it off blowing everything to hell. He runs away! WHAT? 4 shots from the M14AIM as well he absorbs? Fuck that.....really makes the game silly. I love the game, but am almost to the point of playing something else until the standalone. Take care brother thanks for the post, beans for you.