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Everything posted by jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

  1. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Best all round gun on the game

    **M14 AIM** 100-300 good bye player - Rock solid best. DMR Mags everywhere. **DMR** - in backpack, any distance further then 300 good bye player - My favorite. 50 cals are too easy.
  2. Come play Namalsk! - : 2332 -8 GMT West Coast Multiple moderators, always on - No hacking allowed period. Restarts every 3 and it has 25 vehicles + 4-5 choppers up at any given time. Custom loadout! See you there. Enjoy your stay and play often!
  3. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Is there anyway to check your humanity?

    Ask a server admin like myself to check the database of what it is. I can see everyone's humanity on my server as well as modify.
  4. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    New news

    I personally didn't think it would be finished by the end of the year, but we shall see.
  5. JMP is appreciating as well.... salute
  6. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    HAPPY ENDINGS - (Veteren) White Listed - Private Hive

    Bump for more players!
  7. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Have I completed DayZ yet?

    On servers with care packages Mt. Dew is everywhere. I looted 6 in a row other night.
  8. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    HAPPY ENDINGS - (Veteren) White Listed - Private Hive

    Bump for more players!
  9. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    HAPPY ENDINGS - (Veteren) White Listed - Private Hive

    Had a good night last night! Thanks for all that came on.
  10. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Information Video

    Day Zee
  11. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    An ode to an idiot....

    Who comes to the forums and posts about an crappy encounter? I'm sure it was more like "So me and a friend jump into a namalsk server blah blah blah and get killed. Fixed for you.
  12. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    'The moment' that crushed your dreams?

    My dreams have never been crushed in DayZ. I continue night in and night out crushing others dreams (I think). Like last night when I discovered a car park of 40 cars off the map on a cherno server. 2 SUVs geared, 2 Helicopters, 1 Ural full of guns. 40 cars on the road facing south 3 across in a row. I looted a M107 out of an SUV and proceeded to shoot one of their clan members as he logged in which brought the rest of them. Their incomming hovering heli took a barrage of 50 cal shots which schooed them away so I could destroy the massing horde. I feel the need to have to cleanse this illness that some have of hording. I don't know why anyone keeps sachel charges in their nice carpark/camps b/c all that does is ruin everything for them in the end when I find it =) I loved watching the smoke and flames.
  13. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    How fast can you get the basic gear?

    Depending upon where you start varies the time on gearup. If you have DB up on another monitor it really helps. I know all the maps like the back of my hand these days, so it doesn't take long at all. Part of the reason why there is bandits like myself is that once gearing becomes trivial and zombies are trivial and you've had all the cars/helis many times there is nothing else to do other then shoot other players. In some instances killing another player allows you the fastest gearup =)
  14. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    I liked the video. I'm not a hater zshrooms. Killing people is part of Arma and in the end someone killed you. I love watching videos like this......when I am at work not able to play! high five buddy!
  15. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Dayz Cocktail Recipies

    RL DayZ recipe for me. Monstor Red Roho 16 ounce X2 + Vodka. Makes four drinks. Thereafter any combination of Vodka, Gin + tonic, or Bourbon and Coke/Ginger ale until drunk. Who knows how many? Play until you start to make terrible choices in game. Be careful driving any car or heli as nearing then end there is usually a firey crash that results in gear loss and death.
  16. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Lots of vehicles, what to do?

    Sounds like you already answered your own question here.
  17. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    You get that terrible feeling...

    KIll the incomming and drive off in his car not far away.
  18. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    How to get rich?

    You all are wrong! This is how you get rich http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/26/hong-kong-businessman-reward-lesbian-daughter_n_1916277.html DO IT!
  19. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Online Debate: What is the Best PvP Gun in DayZ?

    Take your advertising and shove it up your ass! FUCK YOU
  20. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    [Namalsk] Found an ural.

    Hi, *Insert random saying here" Bye, -JMP-
  21. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Why I quit (yes another one of those threads)

    Hi, *Insert random saying" Bye, -JMP-
  22. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    Am I the only one who lost ALL of my stuff with new patch?...

    I was looking for a full penis suit to wear while I play DayZ. Nothing like being a dick, being a dick! Looks like I came to the right place!
  23. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    The day I met everyone's despise in DayZ

    Keep'em coming. I found this story to be similar to good old friendly- @Hetstaine! BEANS!
  24. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    I only shot him 8 times

    Hetstaine's instincts fail him one more. Should have shot him in the beginning, so you wouldn't of had to had the hassle. Either way fun read bud.
  25. jason_m_perry@hotmail.com

    What's your current loadout?

    I dunno. On either of my accounts it varies. It is hard to define any of them due to different providers of the game. L85/M14/DNR/M107/AS50 usual combo. It is whatever I stumble upon. I am a fan of learning servers I play on and making the admins take their server down and redo it (no hacks just asshole). Crash all their shit, burn all their cars, pillage, rape folks. Then I wait for the restart and cash in. Learn maps and profit. Backpacks, tools, other shit are trivial -GPS, Range, NVG, Ghillie. I am a M14 fan and am always looking for one -L85. L85 is a must. Takes two hour standoffs into, move along. Rest of the pistols and other shit is trivial. I have fucked with all guns, but prefer different ones on different maps. M14/FAL + whatever sniper works. I own Stanag or AKM folks with those. Stanag guns are fun, hell headshot someone with a Macaroni for giggles. Some times I just roll with an Axe. You never know.