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jsams22 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by jsams22 (DayZ)

  1. wait....you really think I "photo shopped" the video? Its easy for you to critisize my video using still print screens. adding [ZH]ACE to a video and post it back up. Anyone can photoshop a sitting still image.

    1st: Its choppy b/c you suck at photoshopping. First if you are going to use the "blur" image tool atleast feather it out so it literally looks like you didnt drag it exactly under and above the names.....Also you failed at shopping again when you put a . at the end of the ([ZH]Ace. instead of ([ZH]ACE)

    2nd: I recorded it in 1080p and the full file is 1.4gb and would take an hour to upload to Youtube. I converted it to 1080p "YouTube quality" which cut the file size in half. If you would like i can upload the full 1.4gb version and you can see it crystal clear.

    3rd: Do you not remember first, teleporting next to me and me shooting you in a ghillie suit, then you teleporting back in a camo suit and me killing you, then the 3rd time you told me outside the door not to shoot you and you would give me CCO SD ammo?

    Here is a REAL picture at 1080p of it standing still: CLICK ON IT FOR FULL 1080p


    Here is a close up:



    photoshop Batman version:


    WHY SO SERIOUS????????????

  2. I don't see Batman hacking in this video.

    We asked you nicely to stop kicking us from your server. Now I have uploaded the video of Batman asking me if i want a weapon in game, then spawning me a CCO SD and giving me ammo. Due to the trial version of fraps i was only able to snag his username briefly and him spawning in the weapon. ENJOY!


    Now please explain........

  3. Lol you just agreed with me. It says I am PERMITTED to kick or ban for ongoing severe hacking. Good job. Good game. Acevedo is jealous. :P

    Also my name is not Jeremy. Good try tho.

    We put money into the servers DayZ staff doesn't. Those rules don't apply. They need to make their own game for this reason, which they are. Just saying. If they want control, they need to put up their own servers. Yes they can blacklist your server, big woop, just get a new server. Or make your own its very easy. Battle eye said there would be no more hackers with 96061, well that was proven wrong. Now they seem to have more scripts/hacks then ever. Amazing right? My servers get about 10-20 script kiddes/hackers a day. Guess what, DayZ staff want me to do nothing about it without reporting it? I already have about 600-800 Bans already in my list. And they want me to report every single one?

    There are, however, ways of combating hackers without breaking the rules

    • Shut the server down IMMEDIATELY - This will most likely end up in a Hive rollback and any users who died will most likely get their gear back. THIS IS NOT FOOLPROOF. IT DOES NOT WORK ALL THE TIME.
    • Social Engineering - Befriend the hacker. Get them on your side.
    • Do your research. Look on Hack sites. Sign up for forums and learn how they hack. Don't sit on the DayZ Forums and gripe about how hackers are a huge problem and there's nothing that we can do about them. We can DO WHAT WE CAN because WE MUST.
    • more to come!

    This is found here.

    Why do you keep kicking ACE when he joins your server stating "kicked for hacking?" How is he hacking? What proof do you have of him hacking? Just because someone shoots you does not mean they are hacking. I have solid video proof of ZH- Batman scripting in a M4 CCO SD and dropping ammo for me to have on the ground. Unban ACE or I will post the video of him. Right now you are the boy "crying wolf", hopefully soon a real wolf comes by and destroys everything.

    Also your "click here" to see the rules just states:

    • You may only ban players for two reasons: Malicious talk, and racism.
    • You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel).

    Ace was/is neither of the behaviors that warrant a kick/ban
