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About Johnny_Pfosten

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Hi, I wanted to play DayZ after some time again and noticed it was out of date. I was playing DayZ with Arma 2 Free + OA and read about the new OA 1.63 patch and the steam integration... so since there is no OA 1.63 non-steam-patch and I didn't saw Arma 2 Free on steam I guess it will not work anymore this way -.- Am I forced now to buy Arma 2 now in order to play DayZ again or is there a way I can continue with Arma 2 Free?
  2. Johnny_Pfosten

    Ram disks?

    I tried using RAMDisk with DayZ but I coudn't join any server, too. Since I used Symlinks it works :) so big thx and beans to RuecanOnRails !! My DayZ Commander says that my Dayz files are corrupt but I just join the server anyway and it works without any problems. Now it is running a lot smoother than before. :)
  3. Johnny_Pfosten

    Make banditry be punished

    this suggestion is just bullshit 'cause this is not the way dayz should be... ...it sounds more than GayZ
  4. Johnny_Pfosten

    Random freeze/black screen

    K, I finally managed to solve this problem after all these months... As the "famous" display driver error (display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered) was first happening to me while playing Dayz, it occurred after some time in other games too till every game was more or less unplayable. First I thought it would only concern Dayz so I tried a lot of experimenting with the Nvidia 3D-settings (Nvidia driver control panel) and the start-parameters for Dayz but it never solved the problem. The most benefit I received as you from the "-winxp" parameter so the game continues most times the error occurred. After getting the knowledge that this error is not caused by any game (like DayZ) but by a problem between Windows and the Nvidia display drivers (Radeon cards can be also affected as far as I know) I started to look out for a solution for this problem. After some research I saw that thousands of people are affected by this error no matter what graphic card/OS they were using and this problem can be caused by a variety of reasons. So there is no solution that works for everybody and I started to use whatever solution I could find i.e. changing the driver to older/newer versions (using guides to completely deinstall an reinstall drivers with drivers sweeper), trying TDR values in the registery, new installation of Windows 7, tested my RAM with MemTest, monitored my CPU with CoreTemp and my GPU with MSI-Afterburner. Nothing helped me and my components were looking ok, as well as their temperatur, so no overheating etc. Finally I read about overclocking the graphics, so I thought I give it a try and guess what - the error was gone :D So I used MSI-Afterburner to set new clocks for my GTX 260M, increasing them from 550/1350/800 (Core/Shader/Memory) to 600/1600/1000 and it runs stable. Played a few hours in the last 2 days and the temperature stays under 60°C while the GPU is working to capacity and there where no more display drivers errors occurring. I will have to test a little more I think but it seems that the display driver error is finally gone. Maybe this could help a you or a few others but I don't know and if you try it then of course on your own risk.
  5. Johnny_Pfosten

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Changed my mind. Remove that fucked up crap!
  6. Johnny_Pfosten

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Played for a couple of hours yesterday, so here are a few impressions from my side. I started somewhere in the desert near an office building and some kind of new big apartment building and I already noticed that something with loot/zombie spawn times is fucked up. Sometimes it seems to take a few minutes to spawn loot/zeds, sometimes loot was already there but the zeds appear a few minutes later. I found randomly loot in the new buildings (a lot of useless types) and always at those from the Chernarus map (like supermarket, hospital etc.). The map seems to be big and I like it to have a big city but it's also deadly monotonous. It was very boring to run across the city while everything was looking the same just finding some supermarkets/apartments/office buildings. I've not been e.g. to the airfield yet so maybe there are a few more interesting points on the map. Also it took almost 2-3 hours to see another player on a full server (40 max). There are a lot of vehicles which I think is pretty cool. I saw 3 different types of choppers flying above the city and a lot of broken vehicles on the streets. All in all I like the map (although it could get a little monotonous) but loot/zed spawn times have to be fixed and there need to be a much greater player count (e.g. 80+).
  7. Hope they will get released soon!!! Got my vote! As far as I know they even did not take a foot on a military area. Can't understand what's up with Greece.
  8. Johnny_Pfosten

    Chopper chase [Intense]

    Nice hunt, tactical play, good fights, thrilling moments. All in all great video B) The guy at the end...hmm...at first it seems a bit cruel but I think would have done the same...he probably would have tried to take revenge for his friends...or the lost chopper...
  9. Johnny_Pfosten

    Random freeze/black screen

    That's strange. I used them from http://community.bis...rtup_Parameters if you want to look them up. You also tried only adding to your shortcut "-winxp" and it did not work?
  10. Johnny_Pfosten

    Random freeze/black screen

    Okay, give it a try and report back if . Also check the other launch parameters, maybe they could be useful as well ("-cpuCount=2 -maxMem2047 -world=chernarus -noPause -nosplash -skipIntro -winxp -mod=@DayZ") As for the CPU count you have to enter your count of CPU's of course.
  11. Johnny_Pfosten

    Random freeze/black screen

    At least I'm not the only one who is having this issue. I started playing DayZ at v1.7.2.3/95417 and always had this problem since. As I wrote, at least I'm able to play using that "-winxp" parameter but it's still very frustrating to play with this problem. Did you try to use that (or other) launch parameters? Are you referring to an OA beta patch which caused you that problem?
  12. Johnny_Pfosten

    Random freeze/black screen

    No one can help me out? :( So, guess my notebook just hates Arma2/OA and I have to accept this error, hope it will get better in the standalone.
  13. Johnny_Pfosten

    Random freeze/black screen

    I have a problem when playing Dayz (and it occurs only while playing with this game) and I have searched a lot but only found similar problems and no solutions that worked for me. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Mixed [Arma 2 Free, OA retail (non-steam)] *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: 96751 (problem happened in previous version too) *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Custom shortcut, ingame server browser used sixlauncher before but not anymore *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: At random time game freezes (~5secs), black screen (1-2secs), "receiving screen" with game sounds back, continue playing Nvidia error: "Display driver 'nvidia windows kernel mode driver, version 304.79 ' stopped responding and has recovered" Only happening while playing DayZ (at no other game) *Your PC specs: P9700/4GB/GTX260M *Your Operating System: Win7 64Bit *Have you looked at these threads?: Yes Detailed report: While I'm playing there continuously occurs a problem. The game freezes completely (~5 seconds) then the screen turns black (~1-2 seconds) afterwards I see the "receiving screen" while the game sounds are coming back (~1-2 seconds) and then it's back to normal and I can continue playing. This happens in random intervals while I'm playing (1-5 times per half an hour). When I alt-tab the game after this problem I see a error message from my graphic drivers: "Display driver 'nvidia windows kernel mode driver, version 304.79 ' stopped responding and has recovered" My graphic drivers are always up to date, I even completely uninstalled them installed the latest version again. I also tried different driver versions but it did not help. While I have this freeze/black screen my notebook and other programs like skype are working fine. I have to use "-winxp" as a launch parameter otherwise when the problem occurs instead of getting back to normal my screen stays black and I have just ingame sounds. My full parameters are: "-cpuCount=2 -maxMem2047 -world=chernarus -noPause -nosplash -skipIntro -winxp -mod=@DayZ" I tried all kinds of graphic settings ingame, nvidia control panel settings for OA, reinstall the whole game, playing with launch parameters (like the winxp thing which at least made me play the game) The more or less funny thing about that is it happens only when I play DayZ. It is the first time I ever experienced that kind of error ever. I play other games like BF3 or SC2 for hours and nothing ever happened. I tried already a ton of solutions but never found anything that fixed it. I also tried to accept this error and play with it but that didn't work either. So maybe a few people could help me out solving this. Thanks in advance!
  14. Johnny_Pfosten

    ADMIN Ban US 3105!!!

    I experienced that on a few servers, too. Sometimes admins want to play (with their friends) alone I guess...
  15. Johnny_Pfosten

    UI dissapears completely when set to Default
