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About dono1

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    On the Coast
  1. Personnally, I'm half-way lucky and half-way unlucky. - I have find tons of ammos (got my backpack full) of all kinds. - I have find a hunting knife and have passed near tons of animals ready to get cooked. - I have find some smoke grenades (great thing to take the attention of zombies) - Found out that zombies are easy to evade if you do some swimming than running while they are still bathing. :P (They might run faster, but they don't swim faster. Run to the water, start swimming into the ocean and wait for them to gets in the water enought to start the swimming state. Then move away in the direction of the shore and run away.) I haven't found : - A single weapon to be used (so I can't even kill the animals for food or kill zombies for loot) - Any food or drink. I'm about to die from thirst - Another player (while being on a couple of 30-50 filled servers) Been playing for about 2 hours and half, visited 2 small towns (towns that are on a single road) and 3 medium towns (3 roads or building or more)