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Everything posted by CodeWalker

  1. Fun fight at our camp (MikeFlick and others)- But to the admins who restarted the server after we found your vehicles-- Douchey move for sure. That is all. CW
  2. CodeWalker

    To those on US 156 Kansas 2

    It's simply to let you know I mean business. CW
  3. So, I found a uav earlier- took it into the hills and hid it. Came back 4 hours later and it was gone. I've had experiences with tents where they'll disappear, and then a few server restarts later the tents are back- Does this happen with vehicles too? I saved the hell out of it so I know it wasn't an issue of me forgetting to save it. Certainly it could have been stolen, but I moved it when the server was low pop and it was in a very low traffic location. Any positive experiences similar to this, or is my vehicle just gone? Thanks all. CW
  4. I really don't care about new bandit heads, or "good guy" heads, or dog companions- Just fix the tents. I'm tired of tents wiping items, duping (empty and full) or simply disappearing. . Its essentially impossible for a new player to gain any ground, and after 1-2 months of play my friends are quitting because of this. We even tried vehicles to store gear. Nope. Server restart, vehicle disappears. So pretty please. With sugar on top. Quit focusing on dog companions and fix the tents. Thanks.
  5. CodeWalker

    Please. Pretty Please. Fix the tents.

    Not true. We've played enough that we know to save tents and vehicles-- Even to the point where we're kinda neurotic about it. Good thought though.
  6. CodeWalker

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Is there any plan to fix the absolutely broken tent system?
  7. CodeWalker

    Tent Advice

    -Hoping to get some advice on how to actually use a tent. My friends and I have tried multiple times to drop a tent and store items- but after a server restart, our tents are being wiped of all gear. In one instance, the tent duplicated, but both tents were still empty after the restart. Any advice on how to successfully place a tent, store some gear and guarantee it's gonna be there after a server restart (or at least have a good chance to be there)?
  8. CodeWalker

    Tent Advice

    any other suggestions or experience?
  9. CodeWalker

    Tent Advice

    We've heard "Let them sit 24 hours before placing any items" and "once you place it don't move it" - I figure this is just voodoo. Any truth to it?
  10. CodeWalker

    Tent Advice

    -Hoping to get some advice on how to actually use a tent. My friends and I have tried multiple times to drop a tent and store items- but after a server restart, our tents are being wiped of all gear. In one instance, the tent duplicated, but both tents were still empty after the restart. Any advice on how to successfully place a tent, store some gear and guarantee it's gonna be there after a server restart (or at least have a good chance to be there)? Not being able to effectively set up a base of operation is really taking away from the progression aspect of this game for us, and any help would be greatly appreciated. CW
  11. CodeWalker

    Tent Advice

    Yeah, we know to save it.. Hasn't made any difference. We have no problem placing the tent, and have absolutely saved in every instance. Still, wiping items.