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Rick Grimer

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About Rick Grimer

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  1. Rick Grimer

    Zombie Body temperature

    NO. They are Zombies! For me they are Zombies! xD No seriously.
  2. Rick Grimer

    Zombie Body temperature

    So as i noticed you can see Zombies through thermal vision. This should be removed, they are dead so they are not really as warm as a human. So may be they would be just very slightly visible or so.
  3. Its getting scary. Everytime I think about one thing, have an idea, the next day there is a post about EXACTLY that issue. Happened to me the last 5 times or so. I think i am god. But seriously, I like that idea. I am one of those DayZers who REALLY loves realism, everything. Furthermore, I really wanna reduce the attitude of running across the map, straight through towns without watching your ass. I want the game to be hard and scary, terrifying and intense.
  4. Rick Grimer

    Get rid of the kill messages.

    Disable that too.
  5. Simple idea. Take out the kill messages so if youre havin a standoff/fight with someone and you hit him from a distance, you cant be sure whether he is dead or not. Then you would have to approach him and see if hes dead. But you could also trick people and pretend your dead (dont shoot for a while). This would make fights, especially over long distances behind cover, much more intense.
  6. Rick Grimer

    Pure Sandbox? Pure Schmandbox!

    Haha yeah it was a bit Off-Topic at first, we had to take a little detour ;) Agree with your Ideas.
  7. Rick Grimer

    Pure Sandbox? Pure Schmandbox!

    Actually i didn't wanna go into a discussion about Anarchy, I rather wanted to focus on that psychological aspect with Anarchy and Anomy. But if you wanna see examples of life and succeedings of anarchy i highly recommend researching catalonia in the spanish civil war 1936 or the Machnowschtschina(Revolutionary INsurrectionary Army of Ukraine). But that was not my point. I just wanted to consider the difference between Anarchy, which is by far no chaos but a political theory about peace and freedom without any form of reign or hierarchy AND anomy which is the official term for that what is called "Anarchy" in the modern press and by most people. Anomy is Chaos, no moral etc. Anarchy is the opposite. I am just saying how it is and thats how it is known among experts. But as i said, I just wanted to say that i'd hate seeing such structures as government etc. being brought in because it takes away the freedom of choice of us the players to build whatever society(or else) we want.
  8. Rick Grimer

    Pure Sandbox? Pure Schmandbox!

    You really want me to give you examples? Anarchy. Derived from ancient greece "Anarchia" (means no reign). Thats as simple as it is. Life in DayZ right now is total Anomy, which is, other than Anarchy, a life without rules, order and hierarchy BUT also without moral and common sense, by which I mean knowing whats objectively right or wrong. But we still play and exist, so life can exist without that, but it would be much cooler if everyone would use some of it. The struggle between Anomy and Anarchy is the central point in every post-apocalyptic scenario. We shall not just cut that off by installing some things like votes, parties, representatives because thats a very interesting process to observate. It tells us much about us and our, humanitys, behaviour. Dont take away the exciting question: How will we, without additions from rocket, organize our selves?
  9. Rick Grimer

    Pure Sandbox? Pure Schmandbox!

    Actually there can be life without rules, orders and hierarchies. Life based on Moral and common sense. Yes, in some way those are "orders" but not as strict. How it works just depends on the people.
  10. Rick Grimer

    Slow Zombies

    I expected the Walking dead. I got Olympics 2012.
  11. Rick Grimer

    Too many Guns.

    You are right there. But Ammo would be MUCH rarer. And the Weapons wouldnt magically respawn. I'd love to see a set number of guns.
  12. Rick Grimer

    Too many Guns.

    As i said. The USA arent the whole world.
  13. Rick Grimer

    Too many Guns.

    There we come to another Idea of mine. I thought about consistent servers. Servers where Zombies dont respawn, though there should be more of'em and Weapons dont respawn. So youd actually have to kill somebody with a gun if you cant find one. They should start at a certain time, so everybody knows "Ok the Server starts today at 4 p.m." then the players could join it and when its started you cant enter it anymore, if you werent in it from the beginning on. On the other hand things like Matches, Lighters, Maps etc should be REALLY common. I mean every household has lighters, a map, a knife and so on. so that all should be really easy to acquire.
  14. Rick Grimer

    Too many Guns.

    Can somebody please ship a brain over to america? I heard theyre rare among marines.
  15. Rick Grimer

    Too many Guns.

    But it doesnt have to be Chernarus. This is DayZ, not Arma2. And for a Survival game its just more fun to have less guns.