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shultz (DayZ)

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About shultz (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. shultz (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    @isaac - Simple solution for stream sniping.. don't stream your game live for the world to see. Are you a complete idiot? Why would you expect the devs to have any opinion other than you're an idiot on this one?
  2. shultz (DayZ)

    Facial Looks Tied To Humanity.

    You know what you should lose humanity for, stealing another persons idea, ie facial changes - and representing them as your own in a new thread. But seriously, I think there is room for it. The game currently makes everyone look EXACTLY the same.. this is not realistic, nor is it like real life. All the facial change would do is make you look a bit meaner. I don't think it's carebear - I think it's phaggots who like the ability to blend in and the ease at which they can do so. It's carebear bandits who want life to be easy for them. The fact is, in real life, when you're intending to murder someone in cold blood, unless you're a sociopath, it would be very hard to hide the facial tells which you would reveal. This is what the faces represent.
  3. Ok, how bout doing something with the faces? There's options to select different faces in arma... how bout instead of your entire skin changing, your face changes.. This would represent the body language which is currently not able to be implemented.. So, the more evil you become, the more sneery, evil and scowly you look. This basically represents the subtle body language you can detect before someone is about to murder you. Yes, there are murderers in teh world, however, there are not thousands of sociopaths, ie, people who are able to mask thier intentions perfectly. This could also work well for my cannibal idea.. if you eat human flesh, you get a cannibal face.
  4. shultz (DayZ)

    Cannibalism and Zombie suggestions

    Bump. Fucking awesome idea. Obviously with shortage of meat in the post apocalyptic world, human flesh would be the logical choice for food. There is no reason not to put this in. Basically, you can gut, cook and eat human, just like normal.. But there seriously has to be a repercussion for it.. Otherwise every single person would do it. Perhaps once you've eaten flesh once, you get the taste for it.. you can't resist the urge being near another survivor, even if they're a cannibal too. When you're near another survivor, you start to slobber and get and uncontrollable urge to eat them, a sound which will be obvious to all around you and alert them to the fact you're a cannibal. Maybe over time, you can overcome this ie after eating 20 or so people and the chance of it occurring reduces. It's just an idea.. if you can eat human flesh, there needs to be a big in game penalty for it, ie, dropping in humanity. I know it's the whole do what you want thing but you don't want a noob running out of food and being like 'meh, dead body here, YUM.' You need something to signify you've really dropped to the bottom of the pile in terms of humanity goes and are basically almost an animal.
  5. shultz (DayZ)

    Ammo pack / bandolier

    You've got plenty of space. It's not diablo, where you can hold 50 mana potions, 50 health potions and 10 swords. You have to choose between things. At the moment, you have enough space for all food, all drink, all medical supplies and decent ammo. Just not enough to keep you alive through multiple encounters without looting some more. Deal with it and ration your space, carebear COD boy.
  6. The rapture has come and thy blessing has been bestowed. We art living in the days of the Apocalypse. I am the Christ the Reclaimer. We are the Brotherhood of Light and we do gods work in Chernarus. Those who evaded the rapture will not evade the fist of light striking down righteous glory upon them. You feel the gravity of God. Make your way to the Brotherhood. Do Gods work in this putrid wasteland. Send them all to hell where they belong. Surviving is a curse. It is Gods will we all become like His Children, eventually. Until then, we are His hand. We send the wicked and the good alike to the next life. Come to the Brotherhood. Send a living soul to be with Gods Children and you will be welcomed among us.