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About vlko

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  1. vlko


    i stumbled upon 2 just yesterday. in a frame of 2-3 hrs.
  2. it's not. just shoot them in the head.
  3. vlko

    Traders and Traitors

    FishIsTwonk +1 good deal and executed the transaction with style. they almost landed a heli on a church. plus a nice meal on the house. i will give you a testimonial, although you didnt want to give me the nvg. ;)
  4. vlko

    So i had a bush stalk me...

    'Shhhhhhh - keep veuy veuy quiet. I'm hunting for wabbits.'
  5. vlko

    Underrated Weapons

    PDW so much ammo to use it's insane.
  6. i am assuming you have some proof to support that claim? no, i am not. my ingame name is vlko as well. feel free to go ask admins for server logs of my actions. if you do not have any evidence of it, keep your mouth shut, please. good night, and good fight.
  7. where did you get figures like 5-15% and 50% of community members are cheating. is there a statistic for this? are 50% of actually sold cd keys banned by the anticheat system? another question - so what? you will die eventually. might as well go in a creative way ( even if that is not often the case. yes, i'm looking at you, gear scripters! if you want to hack, do it with style. )
  8. vlko

    A Strange kind of Sniper...

    it's called a 'voyeur', not a sniper.
  9. vlko

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    thx for the info. i didnt have the chance to do much looting. i mostly play it safe and stay in the forest, hunting board or rabbits for food. i'll definitely take a look into it.
  10. quite honestly, i cant imagine that a game announced 2 months ago will be done in november. cant help the feeling that it will be rushed and buggy/bad. take your damn time to do it properly. props if it will be finished by the end of the year and polished, however. edit: arma2 is a pretty solid game and when you learn how to play, can entertain for weeks. so i suggest you buy both
  11. sweet story. this one time, we got to a russian server with a few friends, and to my surprise, i found that kamenka was on fire ( the whole thing ). me, being a fresh spawn, i decided the investigate the situation, since i had nothing to lose. a few hundred meters off kamenka i found the following : traktor, rolled-over ship, uaz, working heli ( obviously hacked in, of course - but why not have some fun with it? ) so i get in and i went to fly around the map to pick up my friends. epic action extraction sequences ocurred, when a guy running to the chopper was being chased by no less than 15 zombies, and the machinegunner in the heli was putting them down. pretty sweet sight, actually. after 4 of us were in the chopper, we were hading to NWAF to do some looting. to my surprise, another flying chopper appeared nearby. considering the fact that i never saw 2 choppers on one server at the same time, i assumed it was a hacker who added it after we took 'their' heli. while i was trying to get to safe distance from them, the gunners were shooting the other heli with all they could. as we were running out of fuel, we decide to land it in some safe location. we find a clearing surrounded by trees for this and i land the machine to refuel and fix later ( we managed to get shot a few times, presuming by the other heli ). we all get out, and make a fire to heal up whatever wounds we had before. then a sudden realisation - the chopper is refueled and fixed. we did not do anything to it. just landed it and got out. that's where i drew the line and logged. no idea what happened afterwards. screens of FYAR: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/937000279300361904/A47AA807B7FFB44FF6702C70FC8F6060936A6E53/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/937000279300366924/8E7CFCCC166801B8D969FEA0B4449CB34D71ECB6/ ( note the other - probably 3rd - chopper here )
  12. well it happened to me too. i was on the NWAF and got hit by a 'soldier' infected. instant broken legs and fell to the ground. it was just for 30~ secs, however. luckily i was with 2 other guys who shot it and pulled me to safety. im not really sure about the mechanics. however, OP, i did see 1-hit KO situations iRL, so i'm not sure what is all the fuss about.
  13. vlko

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    i happen to come across a lot more ammo for makarov or revolver sidearms and im running out on g17 ammo. that is all. i had it for over 2 weeks now and im still replying on the few mags i have left ( they were on a guy that tried to shoot me down with the g17, but didnt stand a chance against my hatchet somehow - 4 additional mags + 1 in the chamber ) what are you currently looking for to trade a svd camo for? if i happen to find something from that gear, i'll contact you again. edit - spelling + typos.
  14. vlko

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    i happened to find a m249, but it is not with a full mag. there are some 20 rounds missing. would you trade it for a svd camo? + possibly a i have a g17 i would trade for a makarov (or similar non-rare-ammo sidearm) to defend myself at short ranges when looting. let me know, thanks