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About Akuze

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Akuze

    ARMA II: PMC DLC question

    Not according to the Amazon I'm looking at. Do you have a direct link?
  2. It's meant to be body temperature, not ambient temperature. Even still, if you were at 42c you'd already be dead. The numbers are wonky but it's definitely meant to be body temp.
  3. Akuze

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    2 and 3 most definitely.
  4. Akuze

    mod: close thread ty

    Playing this game in first person makes me sick to my stomach even with head bob turned off because of the atrociously clunky movement and jerky animations. I stay in third person about 90% of the time for this reason. I can't say that it doesn't give an advantage, because it does, but I would rather feel guilty because I saw someone that I shouldn't have than vomit all over my keyboard.