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About Flipseytroll

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Flipseytroll

    DayZ Stories

    After my first bad attempts at surviving in DayZ I finally found my bf in game. We headed off to the power station, he with a shotgun and me with a hatchet. After successfully finding some loot, but no guns, we decided to go into elektro. Careful as to not alert any zeds, I crawled almost the entire road down to town. My bf knew where the good loot can be found, so I followed him into a school . Finding reasonably good loot, I became quite relaxed and started going in and out of the rooms on the first floor, while my companion was on the second. All of a sudden I find a player prone on the floor, checking a pile of loot. Slowly panicking I ask my bf if he's with me. The answer is no. The first alive player I've seen turn towards me, aiming his doubled barreled shotgun at my head. My mind goes blank, I don't want to die. So I run towards him, hatchet in hand, and makes him miss his shot at my head. Running around him I try to hack at him as much as I can, really stressing out and scream to my companion to come and help me. The other player eventually dies, having gotten about 20 hacks to his body. When I calmed down I realized that he probably was new and that he could have been friendly. But this game makes me paranoid...
  2. Flipseytroll

    Sleeping and dealing with Alt F4

    And also, I don't see the day/night cycle as a problem. There are good benefits of looting big towns in darkness, just lay down and the zeds lose you fast. Not to mention that it's harder for other players to see you as well.
  3. Flipseytroll

    Sleeping and dealing with Alt F4

    I think your idea of an 15 sec logout time is great. It would (hopefully) remove some of the log-out-in-combat problems that I'm experiencing with other players. But the penalty thing... I just don't think it's a good idea to add "penalties" to a game if you just didn't log out in a good enough way. As others have said, not many people have tents, or matches - should they be punished because they haven't found good enough loot before logging out? I mean, I have played for weeks, and found a tent just yesterday.
  4. Flipseytroll

    Intelligent, Personal Scavenging

    DayZ is successful, in my opinion, because it is quite realistic. If DayZ was the real world, we as survivors would need to share everything we have with each other(or kill everyone else and get all loot). So I don't think it's a great idea to remove the intense feeling in the game by giving good loot away that easy. The game needs to become harder, not easier.
  5. Flipseytroll

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I say remove them, they are usually used by players who just shut entire places of loot off. And it's not really realistic that there would be so many barbed wire kits in Chernarus anyways...