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Posts posted by blurp2000

  1. . I sent you an admin private message today blurp :P -- although I don't think you responded or were AFK

    Yeah I forgot to tell I could see the messages, tried to reply to them through direct chat but for some reason you couldn't see them or didn't respond or did I do something wrong?

    btw good to hear that everything is back to normal.

  2. Today in elektro me and my friend saw a SUV driving around. My friend killed the driver and right on that moment we got kicked because a message popped up saying script registration failure or something else. This definitely a hacker because he probably gave himself the best item in the game such as (L85A2, GPS, rangefinder, NVG ) he didn't even have a backpack. I can't remember hes name it was a long name (around 12 digits) and this happened around 6:00/6:30 PM GMT+1 time (that's 11 AM in UTC-7/-6 time)

    Maybe this will help a little. I checked on the DayZ wiki site and it doesnt say the SUV is a part of the game. Maybe this caused the script failure kicking. And don't worry the SUV is gone after the server restart the SUV disappeared.

  3. Also, thanks for the comment about checking logs. I do my best to keep things clean if I can. Sometimes it's impossible though. There's really nothing i can do if some scumbag comes in and clicks his little "Fuck up everything" button which nukes the server. Only thing I can do is do an emergency shutdown and hope for a rollback, but that's a rare case. Also, blurp what encounter was that?

    The encounter happened on the west side of Pogorevka and Rogovo (or whatever these places are called). I saw you and a HGC member running on a field next to a dead cow and I shot you guys in the back. I was very luckily noticing you guys running on the field because I was heading towards Pogorevka.

    It surprised me that you didn't abort with that kind of gear, but thanks for allowing me to pick up your gear and keep up the good admin work really love the server.

  4. I have been playing on US 1313 for a week now enjoying the server already have a camp and a encounter with the admin already :beans:. Its a real good server and has a good connection! I only have troubles finding a vehicle in the game but I guess I am not looking at the right spots.

    I would like to inform that nametags are back on in the update and I am not sure if its supposed to be like that. And I can finally find the server in the six launcher and see more people joining the server.
