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About Cpt.Master

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  1. Cpt.Master

    DayZ Mod Update

    Survival is now more realistic. Awesome.
  2. i've tried to do that too several times. i had the chance but i just couldn't. i couldn't.. i could kill em all but now im in their clan :D
  3. Cpt.Master

    DayZ Stories

    i was at a private server and looks like i saved on the top of the hospital with enfield and akm in the backpack. i'm really not a good bandit with enfield.. cant shoot people always miss and stuff.. while i was looking at the player list i saw a player name [Medic] Kitty. i said meh it wont be boring like that so i talked to her (her because she had a girl skin, just keep reading) on the side chat. she said that she got a friend with her and i said ok. i was at cherno and they were at balota. when i was on my way i saw a guy with nothing and i said friendly he said friendly too. he found a body on the way and took an enfield. we both gone to radio tower at balota. so we were 2 and they were 2 too. they said drop your guns and i said nope. not gonna happen. just trust us. they said ok. they only had hatchets btw. i said lets duplicate weapons with you guys. (yea im retarded i deserved blah blah) first one was failed because she put random stuff on my backpack and i said just dont put anything so i'll have the gun too. and there were only 1 ammo at my backpack (before dupe'ing there were 3) i said where is the rest of it she said that she put it. i thought that they disappeared while dupe'ing and i told the other guy that i found on the road that put some ammo to my backpack. i was logged off. and when i came the other guy was dead. and i was killed with 1 hatchet and 1 enfield hit. That was a very clever plan i was shocked.. So i've decided that: "Never play friendly at DayZ; ever."
  4. im obviously mad you genius..
  5. first of all im writing this down to this section because at server report none of my topics are getting revieled, they don't exists somehow. i'm writing this down because im really pissed off*. thats a QQ post or whatever you guys call it, so stop reading if you don't want to.. or skip to summary we fixed a chopper at skalisty island. used it a bit refueled it and stuff. and we were just fliyng off between pustoshka vybor http://dayzdb.com/map#6.036.071 and we saw zombies from the chopper where we were. we saw a guy at the farm. landed and killed him. took some of his items. and while we were just getting away with chopper. suddenly the server just went off about 1 hour. and we logged back in. we saved our chopper before we got out of it. so the chopper was there but without fuel (yea we know new bug etc) i thought it was a random restart and we had some jerry cans and begun to fly to the nearest fuel pump and the server went off again. it came back just 2 mins later and we were spawned a bit far about 500 meters but we could see the chopper. my friend saw a dead zombie at farm so there were definetly someone at that farm. he started flanking i covered with sniper at the tree and i killed with 1 shot. as50 maybe no hacks and stuff because 1 of em might be camping. 1 of our friend got 1 of em but they both killed from the same sniper guy.. these players were at the server all the time Olesua Alex MAKSIMYS BUBENMEN they were definetly at that server all the goddamn time before and after the server got restarted and stuff.. SUMMARY: the douchebag admins are restarting their server until they got what they need no matter what. probably no hacks.. but alot of misusing of admin permission. this happened about 15 mins ago.. i do have 1 ss but it i know wont help at all..
  6. Cpt.Master

    new to pc gaming

    new to pc gaming better start with arma 2 - dayz.. *Genius* difficult times are waiting for you son..
  7. Cpt.Master

    Snipers poll, what is your main gun?

    im new and i just found my 3rd sniper. 1st one was CZ 50. 2nd M14 AIM. 3rd and last.. C FUCKIN Z 550.. i can make love with that shit
  8. everything was perfectly normal until i read "blew up the helicopter".. seriously? whats the matter with you? just steal it nigga..
  9. Cpt.Master

    Killing unarmed players

  10. still same shit. stuck at loading with 400 fps. tried to 6 different servers that matches with my beta version and dayz version. this update sucks..
  11. didnt help. still waiting with full bar says loading with about 1140 fps (yea wtf?)..
  12. sounds more like bf3 james bonding congratz :D
  13. Cpt.Master

    "So you want hear a little story..."

    good play, sad end