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About MrGreen72

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. MrGreen72

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    No. I love barbwire in DayZ! :)
  2. No more vehicles spawning on my server. I've already downgraded to and saving/vehicle spawning worked until sunday. Since then there are no vehicles at all only a few tents. Most of the players that called my server a home left already. It's really frustating at the moment.
  3. Hmm, i know at least three other hosters who are providing ftp too and two of them are also german hosters.
  4. Downgraded to / 95883 again, but the tents and vehicles still doesn't save. :( Any suggestions?
  5. MrGreen72

    Where is server logs?

    Just use Filezilla and download the logs and check them on your pc. With HostAltitude's Filemanager on the CP you can only delete or rename files.
  6. Okay, just fresh out of my remoteexec.log: 18.08.2012 08:17:16: No Legs (IP) 179280a4cd7505ef136f42ef6110844f - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};" 18.08.2012 08:17:16: No Legs (IP) 179280a4cd7505ef136f42ef6110844f - #2 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};" 18.08.2012 08:18:15: No Legs (IP) 179280a4cd7505ef136f42ef6110844f - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};" 18.08.2012 08:18:15: No Legs (IP) 179280a4cd7505ef136f42ef6110844f - #2 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};" 18.08.2012 08:20:41: No Legs (IP) 179280a4cd7505ef136f42ef6110844f - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};" 18.08.2012 08:20:41: No Legs (IP) 179280a4cd7505ef136f42ef6110844f - #2 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};" BattlEye kicked him for Restriction #2, so i must say the new version runs perfectly for me. :)
  7. MrGreen72


    Look here: It's a kid without any pedobears around!
  8. MrGreen72

    Unkown log entry (to me)

    Ah, thanks! :)
  9. Found this in the scripts.log and i don't know it. 17.08.2012 10:23:00: ÐлекÑандр19 (IP) BattlEye-ID - #24 "player enableSimulation true;" Does anybody know something about this?
  10. Have my :beans: to this! :)
  11. Thanks for the compliment! Kick it in the :emptycan: :lol:
  12. So then all admins are the bad guys again? But then tell us incompetent admins what is the real prove for cheating/hacking? Screenshot with an unnamed player on it which could be everyone? Or should we just let all the shit happen on the servers?
  13. MrGreen72

    US 734 Dear Tony montana

    And everybody knows that Tony Montana has all weapons that he wants, he has even Michelle Pfeiffer! :lol:
  14. The modified data file messages for plants popping up for everyone since the update in the logs. i've first thought also that these are texture hacks but there are legit. If you look closely then you will find this messages even when you are logging into the game. I guess the devs messed up here with the signatures for the plants.pbo's.
  15. So Mister Impalerguy if the scriptslogs prove nothing then why is the DayZ Devs sending the scripts.txt for BattlEye to all Hosters and admins to use it? Let me guess they are breaking their own rules then. And if they aren't prove enough for you, then why you don't prove it as a player that you are playing legal. Can you do that? I guess not.