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Everything posted by nyk_nunya

  1. nyk_nunya

    2 people, should i kill them?

    Lol, it's so funny that good gear and a sniper rifle somehow makes you a bandit. Indeed, no one would ever gear up like that to defend themselves against people equally as armed.. That would just be stupid....
  2. Killing seems to depend, though not sure how much, on how bad a bandit or how much of a hero they are. The general area is 3000.
  3. Time and time and time and time again there is a simple solution so that everyone wins. Y'know how you can choose the various functions enabled on the servers like cross hairs and nameplates? This, too. Maybe even make a separate hive for these perk able servers, with skins and other fancy features and now we have a game that gets to have both communities. Simple huh?
  4. nyk_nunya

    Remember, no Whitelists

    I for one welcome, and relish in this call to end medics. I appreciate a good competition, and if the bandits can organize and maintain a campaign, what a spectacular event this could be. I don't know how it works the same for bandits, but if you kill a medic, it simply reenforces the bond between a medic, his crew, and the organization as a whole. Each patient that's rescued (Most, anyway) envelope themselves in the community, weather as a medic in training, artillery support, or logistical support. If you can manage to form a brotherhood equally as strong, it will only make the game that much more entertaining for us all. TLDR Come at us Bro, I'm betting we have more Bros than you. Let the Man on Man action begin. (Some females will be involved.) (We cannot promise they will not be harmed in the making.)
  5. nyk_nunya

    I have officially played too much DayZ!

    I need to try this next time I have a nightmare. Pinching myself or jumping off tall objects headfirst don't seem to work.
  6. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Contact Rikku if you need assistance.
  7. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm back, with Teach and crew, if you need help, or whitelisted/tmw need airlifted, hit me up on here or skype ( sonofsagacity ) Remember to be and 95815 and have skype.
  8. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Currently away, will return in roughly an hour, and medic transport services, and medical assistance will resume.
  9. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Also, if any medics are updated [White listed or TMW only please =x] Need a ride anywhere, let me know.
  10. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So, I'm not currently white listed, but the group I'm with travels with Rikku and Teach constantly, so we are trustworthy. If you're updated to and 95815 and have skype, we can meet up with you practically anywhere. Send me a PM on here or add sonofsagacity on skype.
  11. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Waiting eagerly and ready to take flight. =]
  12. nyk_nunya

    Bandit Skin Again?

    They could work in a script to see if you killed a guy who shot you.
  13. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic and Nurse on Arma Beta Patch 95883 and DayZ fully stocked and ready for pickups at any locale. Please be advised that we won't be fully operation until roughly 20 minutes after this post, so we ask that our potential patients have some patience and we will take care of you. We accept most insurances and we do take on charity/pro bono cases. You will also have to sign a waiver saying we are not liable for further injury. Enough of the bad jokes.. Pleasant eve/morrow all.
  14. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm currently knocked out and bleeding, in an apartment building in Berezino.. Need a bandage, transfusion, and possibly an epi pen. Updated to Edit: I'm getting help.
  15. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So, I'm in a fairly bad spot in the middle of an unusual situation. I will give the details once interest is shown in the job, and I would prefer a ]TMW] member. It is a fairly sensitive situation and I cannot contact all parties involved. My medical issue is not as serious as the context it is in. This is not a priority, it does, however, help the medic movement. (Is currently realizing how ominous this may sound ._.)
  16. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Umm,, no. Just no. He may have said he does not feel like helping, but I guarantee it's not for the reasons you assume. This guy came to save me at NWAF a week ago, and when I accidentally fell out of the helicopter, picked me up and took me back to my body. I can vouch for his awesomeness. What you need to remember, is what I'm going to tell the next guy I quoted. You have to remember, there is a difference between the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, and The Whitelist. The TMW are posted near specific areas who's "job" is to help save people. The Whitelist are freelancers, who are not obligated, and do so because they want to. That means generally longer wait times, and no garauntee you'll be saved by them. Likely they know other medics/people that could help, so it's best not to be rude.
  17. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Teach and I can help out Angelus. Angelus, do you have skype?
  18. nyk_nunya

    You've gotta be kidding me ....

    They may have been server hopping, looking for freshly restarted servers, waiting with the parts to repair.
  19. That, is generally not the case with the medics of the wasteland and those on the whitelist. Why do they do it? Because there is some shreds of humanity left in DayZ, and it's beginning to pile up.
  20. nyk_nunya

    PDW or G17?

    The PDW is fantastic, can use 5 different mags including mp5, and if you use the sd variant of the mags it can use, it produces the silenced sound for zombies (Though still sounds normal to players) It's fantastic if you can headshot, and easily one of the most versatile weapons in game.
  21. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is your skype name the same as on here? Found it, man I'm blind sometimes.
  22. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So, my friend could still use a shot of antibiotics. unfortunately he's had to go for now, and he should be back in an hour. So, if there's a medic that thinks they'll be near stary in about an hour, that would be fantastic. We can has out the details on here, or through skype. Even steam I suppose =p I just prefer not using it at the moment.
  23. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Does there happen to be anyone on that has anti-biotics?
  24. nyk_nunya

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I was so impressed and touched by Teairra's work I had to register and make a post! He flew out to the northwest airfield to save me after an ardous journey, during the process of him transporting me to safety I accidently ejected myself and died... Do you know what he did? Flew to where I spawned, to pick me up, and take me back to my dead body! I am in debt to Teairra, and by extension all the fine medics here. I would love to help out, even if it's just gathering supplies. You fine men and women, have my beans, my sardines, and my pasta, too.