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About RagingJenni

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  1. RagingJenni

    Dayz merchandise?

    What does "f or f" mean, friend or foe?
  2. RagingJenni

    Did anyone buy Arma 2 solely for this mod?

    Operation Arrowhead; yes.
  3. RagingJenni

    Reintroducing Humanity: Thoughts

    Interesting... 1 hour for spawn is a bit too much, but I like the idea!
  4. Would be cool with zombies wandering the roads. I watched the Walking dead series, and I liked the concept there of "herds" of zombies attracted to gunshots or simply moving. Going with a party and seeing 30+ zombies walking in a spread out group down a road can be scary!
  5. ragingjenni. Will get the game in a week or so, and after I'm done with my 4-days-locked-away-from-the-world-playing-awesome-game-period, I'll be happy to have someone to play with.^^
  6. I'm not that much into how infections and such work, but doesn't drinking give the illusion of being warmer while it does nothing to fight the actual cold?
  7. I think wood should be very easy to find, but fires should be hard to put up without causing trouble. I'd rather feel unsafe and jumpy while sitting in the middle of the forest with my fire, than running from town to town to fetch wood.
  8. The idea is sound and can go either way, it is all about the implementation now.
  9. RagingJenni

    Voice Chat

    A good moment I'd say. One of those I wish to play the game for.^^ First game I've ever found that puts a value in life (well, first FPS) I'm so psyked. Sorry for off topic, I'll be quiet now. ^^
  10. RagingJenni

    DayZ in a nutshell

    You can break any game into sounding stupid. CoD: Spawn,shoot, run, get shot, spawn again and do the same thing except this time shot the guy who shot you, rinse and repeat. WoW: Quest, kill, loot. I don't want the results, I want the journey.^^
  11. RagingJenni

    Voice Chat

    I wished to hear the story... :'( I'm glad to hear that direct chat works to some capacity at least, since it is one of the features that makes me the most excited for this game! Only 1 week of stupid school left, I'm counting the seconds :')
  12. RagingJenni

    Rocket, please read.

    Can I steal that for my sig? Beautifully worded and made me laugh.^^
  13. RagingJenni

    Rocket, please read.

  14. I just want a way to identify people I've killed or dead people I find. Would add to the immersion, and what kind of 20+ year old doesn't carry some kind off ID? Though the immersion would be broken if it said on the ID something like "xxXJailBitchXxx1994" or some other... creative, nickname.