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About cloverz14

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. is it kicked for battleye #6? if so i can help
  2. Honestly i follwed met's thread because my game kept reverting no matter what. just put the dll's on your desktop and copy and paste then every time you join a server. its a bit of a pain but atleast i can play.
  3. ok so i figured ou that it reverts back when i join a server. steam is closed. i run as admin but still reverts back to 100kb dll
  4. i have done this and it does not work for me. steam is closed and so is dayz. i check and when i run the game the 108kb and new server dll is in tact. i do have a netgear router but do not know how to change my adsl settings. not even sure if that is the problem. if any1 has any other solutions i would be very happy to hear them. also i am running as admin.