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Everything posted by gr7ace

  1. gr7ace

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Yeah I keep randomly being kicked. Nice to see hackers on this map too lol
  2. I had an L85 in my hand and a DMR in my pack. I had to log off for lunch, some back on an hour later and I now have 2 L85's! WTF :facepalm: Is this a common bug? Random weapon type changes?
  3. Sorry to the 2 guys we shot yesterday! :blush: We were being shot at in the barn, couldn't see the shooter and paniced when you ran in with a trail of Z's. Hope you got all of your stuff (that you could). Great bunch of guys so far. :thumbsup: :beans:
  4. I fixed the bus! All good to go when you guys wake up lol. :lol: Down to 8k blood, apparently driving a bike into a zombie makes all components red. The trial of 10-15 zombies took some shooting! Broken leg shooting :facepalm:
  5. Hi, I've been playing for just over a month now. I am on my best run so far and have some good eqpt. Getting bored of playing on my own, so how do I join your group? I haven't used TS in years, so need to DL it and dig out my headphones. I play for an hour before work in the mornings (my dog gets up early!) and in the evenings. What time is your server, as it doesnt say on the server name?