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Everything posted by jonryan32@gmail.com

  1. jonryan32@gmail.com


    Bandit removal?
  2. jonryan32@gmail.com

    New audibility mechanic in 1.7.2?

    Probably in the 1.7.2 topic http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18575
  3. jonryan32@gmail.com

    disable 3rd person view.

    made me smile :) yes nothing more immersive than a camera floating above your shoulder :) Ill just hide behind this rock and use my magic camera to look over it :) I do only play on Expert settings severs btw. I just like reading all the lame excuses people who want 3rd on try to use to justify it :) http://i.imgur.com/INmOA.jpg
  4. jonryan32@gmail.com

    I thought tents got removed??

    They didn't get removed they got wiped.
  5. jonryan32@gmail.com

    To the Lovely member of DES at NY68

    Holy crap someones mad.
  6. jonryan32@gmail.com

    It's called "Alpha" you retards!

    The thing is it's all about the delivery of your criticism. Explaining what you think is wrong, why, and maybe an idea to improve on the situation is fine. Crying, whining, bitching. These are all detrimental to your cause. Cursing out rocket and telling him he needs to fix things because it's shit, is a criticism that's going to be ignored. Crying that you're going to uninstall the game unless something is fixed, that's a criticism that will be ignored. Crying about how bugs are ruining the game for you, that's a criticism that will be ignored. If you have a legitimate bug, report it. If it's been reported either post your information in that topic, or wait for it to be fixed we don't need to hear you complain about it. If you have a legitimate gameplay complaint, write up a rational post about why this is negatively effecting your experience in an attempt to have a normal debate about the topic. Acting like an entitled brat, or an all around dumbass will not win you any supporters and will not get your post/ideas considered by rocket.
  7. jonryan32@gmail.com

    6.2 %

    Deaths by PK=Murders+Bandits Kills=978,495+219,083=1,197,578 Total Deaths=Survival Attempts-Alive Characters=6,083,675-248,436=5,835,239 1,197,578/5,835,239=20.5% Of course, you'd also need to exclude the suicides (as previously mentioned). And deaths by glitch. Surely we shouldn't count all of those in the 5,835,239. Oh and there are probably a ton of people who get shot, disconnect, and then bleed out on another server. And people who are mortally wounded but happen to get put down for good by a zombie. And then there's the deaths by explosive. I reckon we should probably count some of those as PKs This, honestly I'd be surprised if it's under 30% if somehow we were magically able to account for all those things. however, I feel another large part of the problem though is people are just plain dumb. Like earlier I was in a low population server, there was about 10 of us (it was night) and I was wandering around looting elektro. I'm leaving the train station building when this other survivor comes running up to it, flashlight on and then scans the area. He eventually notices me with the flashlight. He then just sits there for like 10 seconds not moving, with his flashlight just pointed at me. I almost shot him just because he was lighting me up. If he ran into just about anybody else but me he no doubt would have been dead then. I wish stupidity like this was uncommon but this isn't necessarily an isolated incident.
  8. jonryan32@gmail.com

    Crossbow... Opinions?

  9. jonryan32@gmail.com

    The two people I killed in Balota camp...

    So your solution of the fan base becoming more and more pk on site is to pk on site? Logic!
  10. jonryan32@gmail.com

    This is the best PVP game ever created

    It's true it's not a PVP game, it's a survival game. However, PVP is an integral game mechanic.
  11. jonryan32@gmail.com

    is a ghille suit considered a military loot

    Earlier today I spawned, walked into the first house I saw and there was a ghillie suit. So can spawn in houses too.
  12. jonryan32@gmail.com


    That what needs to be fixed? That the game is too hard for you?
  13. jonryan32@gmail.com

    hop for antibiotics or respawn?

    It's not like the infection will kill you, just have to deal with coughing.
  14. jonryan32@gmail.com

    Every time I don't shoot, I regret it.

    This mod truly separates the men from the boys. There are too many too weak willed to stick to their guns and just give in because the bad men were mean to them.
  15. jonryan32@gmail.com

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Steam Name: general_lloyd TS3 Name: GenLloyd In-Game Name: Lloyd Forum Name: GenLloyd Timezone (UTC): UTC -5 Roles you would like to fill: Gatherer, Guard
  16. jonryan32@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The effect of fog (rather the humidity is the real part that has an effect) is basically insignificant unless we're talking long distances or really high frequencies. I don't think sound should be changed.
  17. I don't have the answer you're looking for but I'm also trying to figure this out. If you hear back from SideStrafe or figure it out I'd appreciate a heads up.
  18. jonryan32@gmail.com

    Deleted file ceranus? WTF

    Chernarus. IIRC it usually means you're not running Arma 2 only Arma 2 OA
  19. jonryan32@gmail.com

    The 'Ban Appeals' Forum

    It's a pretty amusing read.