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About Antler.PhD

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. How is this guys hud working? I thought they were broken now?
  2. Antler.PhD

    Error when I start up DayZ, and no HUD?

    Oh, so no one can see their blood or anything right now?
  3. So everytime I start up DayZ I get this error. http://imageshack.us...884/errrror.png Then when I'm in game, the part of my HUD that tells you your health, number of zombies etc. is just missing. Any help?
  4. Antler.PhD

    How can I delete all of my DayZ files?

    thanks diddi, I'll give that a try.
  5. Antler.PhD

    How can I delete all of my DayZ files?

    I've already tried that bruh. I'm trying to figure out how to actually delete the files, and then redownload and install DayZ again.
  6. So I'm experiencing some bugs in DayZ and I'm convinced that the only way to fix them is to have a clean install. The problem is, I don't know where my DayZ files are so I can't delete them. Does anyone know where they're installed to by default?
  7. Antler.PhD

    Wrong CD key?

    So I'm trying to update Arma2 via DayZ commander after I uninstalled then reinstalled Arma2 due to a bug I was experiencing in Dayz, and when I try to patch Arma2, an alert pops up that says "Wrong CD key". Any help?
  8. Antler.PhD

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Friend request sent.
  9. Antler.PhD

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Stuck in Elektro with a broken leg and 3000 blood. Medic needed!
  10. Antler.PhD

    looking for people who want to group up

    Skype: Antler.PhD
  11. Antler.PhD

    Small Group. Need More Players.

    Ill join! I was just killed twice by people that I tried to be friendly with. I need a team.
  12. Antler.PhD

    I have Had Enough Of This

    Unfortunately all we can do is wait for the developers to implement an anti-hack system that doesn't suck dick
  13. Antler.PhD

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Neither, I literally, logged out, and came back an hour later. I specifically remember the game closing on its own because I've heard about spawning on the coast from closing the game while it's loading.
  14. Antler.PhD

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    No sir, I aborted, disconnected, and waited for the game to close itself out.
  15. So I walked all the way to the Northwest Airfield about an hour ago, logged out, ate some dinner and logged back in. However, when I spawn, I spawn in Otmel. Both servers I logged into were connected to the hive too. What the fuck bro.